chapter 30

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➪ milano - pashanim


Three weeks later:

Maëlys' pov:

For the past couple of weeks Jobe and I have gone on a few more dates. Even though especially his schedule makes it kind of hard to find the time, we still managed to see each other multiple times. For example a few days ago he didn't come home from training until six in the evening but he still insisted that I should come over to his house so we could spend time together. We just ordered some food and just cuddled on the couch watching TV until we fell asleep.

Currently I'm helping my mom and dad clean up the dining table. Mason is out with Jolina tonight so it was just my parents and I. As I'm putting some plates into the dishwasher my phone begins to vibrate on the spot on the counter where I put it before.

"Oh, sweetie, Jobe is calling", my mum tells me.
I quickly stand up straight again and reach for my phone.
"Do you still need me for something?", I ask her.
"No, I'll be fine. You go and talk to your man", she smiles and me sends me a wink.
"Thanks", I chuckle before I make my way out of the kitchen.

As I walk up the stairs I answer Jobe's call.
"Hey, Jobe", I say.
"Hey, Maëlys. How are you? How's your day been?", he asks me.
"I'm good. School's been boring but Volleyball practice today was really nice. How about you?"
"My day's been good too. Training session was pretty exhausting but it still went well", Jobe tells me, "So what're you doing right now?"
"My parents and I just finished dinner about ten minutes ago. I just got to my room now. What about you?"

"Nothing much. I'm honestly kinda bored so I called you" he tells me making me chuckle.
"So, anyways, are you doing anything tomorrow?", Jobe asks me as we continue to chat about random stuff.
"As of now, nothing, why?"
"Do you want to come to my game tomorrow?"
"Sure, I'd love to", I reply with a smile.
"Good, because I already got you a ticket", he chuckles.
"Of course you have", I laugh.

We continue to talk for another hour before I start to get ready for bed. After I'm finished with my night routine in the bathroom I make my way back to my bed. I scroll through my phone for a bit before I decide to sleep.


The next day:

It's about three in the afternoon and I've just arrived at the Stadium of Light. As I make my way inside I get myself something to eat and drink. Due to Jobe getting me one of the box seats I'm also able to use the lounge and eat some decent food before the game starts. After I finish with everything I get outside and find my seat just as the team walks onto the pitch for their warmup. A few minutes later Jobe actually spots me and waves at me. Mason notices me as well and follows Jobe's action. With a smile I wave back at both of them.

Before the game starts I send Jobe a quick text wishing him good luck. Not long after both teams walk onto the pitch again and line up. Soon Elvis Presley's Can't Help Falling In Love starts to play and the fans, including me, start to sing along. A minute or two later all the players have settled in their places and the referee starts the game by blowing the whistle.


A while later:

The clock has just hit the 64th minute and Sunderland is leading with 2:1. Plymouth just got a free kick which gives Sunderland the opportunity to bring some of their substitutes onto the pitch. Jobe steps to the side of the pitch behind Rigg ready to be subbed in. After Plymouth made their substitution Abdoullah is the one to make way for Jobe. The fans begin to clap as he walks off the pitch and Jobe's name is announced to be subbed on.

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