chapter 35

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➪ flashing lights - kanye west, dwele


Three days later:

Maëlys' pov:

As I rush through the hallway of my school to get to my first class of the day I get a couple of weird looks from other students. However, since I'm already a bit late I brush it off, not really caring why they're looking at me strangely. Thankfully, I get to the classroom earlier than I expected so I have a few minutes before class officially starts.

Due to our seats being in the last row I pass most of my classmates to get to Kaya and Amari, who are already waiting for me. But as I make my way through the room I get sent even more weird looks from the others.

"Do you guys know why everyone is staring at me today? Have I done something wrong?", I asks my friends as I sit down next to them.
"Have you been on Instagram today? It's basically all over Social Media", Riri gives me as an answer.
"Nah, I haven't really checked my phone so far since I overslept and I was too busy to get here on time", I tell them, "So what do you mean with 'it's all over Social Media'?"

Before she answers me Kai pulls out her phone seemingly looking for something on it and shows me the screen.
"This was posted yesterday evening", she explains as she hands me her phone.


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thesun Young Bellingham partying with new girlfriend? Jobe Bellingham, younger brother of Real Madrid star Jude Bellingham, was spotted kissing a girl at a house party last Saturday. Insight sources say that Sunderland's number 7 is currently dating Maëlys Brooks, who turns out to be the younger stepsister of Jobe's teammate Mason Burtstow. How long they've been together so far remains a question unanswered. Let us know in the comments what you think of their relationship.
tagged: jobebellingham, xo.maëlys_brks

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"Oh my god, why would they post this? Can't they respect privacy for once? And which bitch send them this picture? Like who the fuck are these 'insight sources' supposed to be?", I question annoyed.
"It wasn't us, that's for sure", Amari says, "But technically anyone at the party could have taken that photo."
"I know, but there are barely any people who know that Mason and I aren't siblings by blood", I return.

"Well, there's one person that I can think of who knows this and is enough of an asshole to send a picture of you and Jobe kissing to a fucking newspaper", Kai tells us.
"Who are you thinking of?", Riri asks before I can.
"It was obviously Darien."
With a groan I throw my head back realizing Kaya is definitely right.

"God, it's bad enough that he can't accept that I'm happy without him and that he has to interfere with my life as much as he can. But there's no need for him to go after Jobe as well", I complain.
"Somebody should lock him up", Kai shrugs making Riri and I laugh.

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