chapter 19

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➪ starlight - dave


Maëlys' pov:

Jobe makes his way outside to his car with me trailing behind him. After both of us get in he starts the car and begins to drive.
"You want to connect your phone and play some music? We're gonna be in here for a while", he tells me.
Even though I'm still confused I do accept the offer and connect my phone before pressing play on my usual playlist putting it on shuffle.

A few minutes later we get onto the highway and I read the sign on where it leads.
"Wait, are we driving up to Newcastle?", I ask.
Jobe only nods while keeping his eyes focused on the road.
This time I don't get any sort of answer to my question.
"You're not going to tell me, are you?"
"Correct", he replies.
At that I just groan and throw my head back but don't ask any further.


About 30 minutes later we arrive and Jobe parks in a car park. After we exit the car we make our way out of the parking garage. I then realize where we are.
"What are we doing here at Eldon Square?", I want to know.
"Less talking, more walking", is all that he says in return.

We make our way through the shopping center and up one of the escalator. Jobe seems to have a direct goal so I just follows him behind without asking any questions since I know he probably won't answer them anyway. As Jobe heads for the Apple store I finally realizes his plan. Remembering he had asked me something about a new phone earlier I just put two and two together.

"No, no way. You're not going to get me a new phone", I protest and stop walking making him stand still as well.
"I'm not. I'm gonna get you a new phone and a new number", he replies with a slight smirk on his face.
"You're insane, Jobe. Do you know how much that costs? It's way too expensive, I can't let you do that", I say trying to get some sense into him.

"Okay, well, I have the money for it. And I'm going to go into that store and buy the phone whether you stay here or come with. But if you don't go inside with me you won't be able to choose a new phone case", he shrugs.
I hesitates for a moment but eventually giving in with a groan and follow him into the store.


Jobe's pov:

After I had purchased the phone and the phone case of her choice and we took care of getting her a new number as well, Maëlys and I make our way back to my car. As we get in she puts the bag with the phone and case inside on her lap.

"I can't believe you seriously got me a new phone", she says while staring at the bag.
"Well, I had to do something. I can't let that asshole keep harassing you", I tell her in a serious tone.
She turns her head away from me but I don't miss the blush on her face.
"And buying you a new phone and getting you a new number felt like the easiest solution", I add with a shrug.

"Also the most expensive one", Maëlys jokes.
Her reply makes me chuckle as I start the car. I put the car in reverse and drive out of the parking spot. I then make my way out of the parking garage and start our drive back to Sunderland.


Half an hour later we're back in Sunderland. Looking at the time I see that it's almost nine thirty.
"Do you want me to drop you off at home already? But we could also go somewhere else if you want to", I tell her. If it were up to me, I would spend hours with her.

"Let's do something else. I don't want to go home yet", she replies.
I smile at her before turning my eyes back on the road.
"Good, I already got somewhere in mind", I say.

Only a few minutes later we reach our destination.
"You took me to the beach?", Maëlys asks with excitement in her voice.
"Yeah, I thought it was a good idea", I shrug, "I know it's dark, but I feel like the beach has something special at night, I guess."
"That's what I keep saying. Kai and Riri always just brush me off telling me it's stupid."

She just nods at my question.
"Well, they don't know what they're missing. Come on, let's get down to the sand."
After we exit my car I quickly get a spare blanket from the boot of the car.
Maëlys walks in front of me eager to get down the few stairs to the beach. I chuckle at her excitement and follow behind.

We find ourselves a nice space not too far from the water and spread out the blanket on the sand. Fortunately there's barely any wind so even though it's January the temperature is fairly tolerable.
We then sit down next to each other, both watching and listening to the small waves crashing onto the seashore. Due to the sky being empty of clouds the moon gives us just enough light to make out the water.

"It's so peaceful. Thank you for taking me here", Maëlys smiles at me.
"You're welcome", I respond smiling back at her, "And you're right. It's always so calm here at night. That's why I like coming here at this time of day."
"You come here often?"
"I do, yeah. This is my favourite spot in the city. It helps me think", I tell her honestly.


Maëlys' pov:

He took me to his favourite spot in the city. Just the thought of it makes me blush. Jobe's been making me blush a lot recently. Maybe it has something to do with my feelings for him. Yes, I finally admit it. I do have a crush on him.
Amari and Kaya have been teasing me for weeks now. I was never a 100% sure about my feelings until today. Until he saved me from Darien and comforted me.
God, he literally drove to Newcastle with me to get me a new phone and new number so Darien wouldn't be able to contact me anymore.

"You wanna play a game? I have to warn you though, it could get deep", I tell him.
"Sure, bring it on", Jobe returns.
"The game doesn't really have a name. It's just I ask you a question and you have to answer honestly, then we switch."
"Alright, you start then."


double update today like promised🤝🏼.
this chapter is again more of an in-between chapter because i want to keep my focus on the next one.
i could've included what i have in mind in this one.
but i know i would only keep myself from writing it the way i want, since i would try not to write too much not wanting to make the whole chapter too long.
so unfortunately you have to be patient a little longer.
i still hope you liked this chapter.
see you in the next one.
love yous💕

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