chapter 26

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➪ first date - jaywop, dave shanaé, corey g


Maëlys' pov:

The moment I just finish putting on some lipgloss I hear the doorbell ring. I quickly put everything I need in my purse before I make my way downstairs.
"Oh, hello, Jobe. It's good to see you. And you've got some lovely flowers with you. Who are they for?", I hear my mum ask him while I rush down the stairs. Apparently she was faster at the door and already opened it.
As I get to the hallway and walk towards them Jobe's eyes fall in my direction. His signature smile immediately appears on his face.

"For her", he returns and points at me which makes my mum turn around. My mum then pulls up her eyebrows in surprise and sends me a look.
"You better tell me everything that happened later, young lady. And not just from today", she tells me before she leaves Jobe and I alone and heads towards the living room.

"You got me flowers? They're really pretty", I tell him with a smile as he hands me the bouquet.
"Pretty flowers for a pretty woman", he replies making me blush.
"Thank you", I say and press a quick kiss on his lips, "Come, I need to put these in some water."
I take his hand with the intention to lead him to the kitchen but he just holds it before he pulls me back towards him.

"Nah, I want a proper kiss first and not just a little peck", he says and smirks a bit.
I playfully roll my eyes while smiling. I carefully put my arms around his neck, trying not to break the bouquet in my hand in any sort of way, and lean in. Jobe does the same and only seconds later our lips connect in a kiss. He then places his hands on my waist and holds me firmly.

As we kiss I have to stand on my tip-toes due to our height difference so I try to pull him down a little. I wouldn't say I'm a short woman and more like average, I guess, but since he's 6'3 I still have to crane my neck just looking at him. Like who made this guy so tall? Then again, I'm a sucker for tall guys, so who am I to complain.

After we pull apart again we both just smile at each other.
"Satisfied?", I question.
"Very much", he responds, "Let's get your flowers some water now."
He takes my free hand and interlaces our fingers before we make our way to the kitchen.
There I put down the flowers on the counter, take a vase from a cabinet and start filling it up with water. However, before I remove the paper and put the flowers into the water, I quickly take out my phone and snap a picture of them.


xo.maëlys_brks added to her story

maëlys_brks added to her story

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After I quickly brought the flowers up to my room I meet Jobe back downstairs and put on my shoes and a jacket. Both of us then head outside to his car. Like the good guy he is he opens the car door for me and lets me get in before he makes his way over to the driver side and gets in as well. He then starts the car and begins to drive while telling me I can choose some music.

"You know, you could've just texted me that you're outside. You didn't have to come to the door", I tell him as we make our way towards the highway.
"Of course I have to. That's like gentleman 101", he says with a chuckle.
I send him a soft smile before I have to think about the fact that Darien never really did that.
Almost as if he could read my thoughts the smile on Jobe's face slightly fades.

"Please don't tell me your ex never did that", he says in a more serious tone.
"He hardly ever came up to the house when he picked me up. He even honked sometimes."
Thinking about I let out a laugh on how ridiculous it sounds. I'm honestly glad though that I can now laugh about my ex's stupidity.
"Does that guy have any manners? You shouldn't have been treated that way. You deserve full on princess treatment", Jobe tells me.
I smile at his comment and feel a blush rushing onto my cheeks.

"I would've done it anyway, but now I'm definitely gonna show you how that ass should have treated you. You should feel loved and appreciated instead of thinking you need to apologize about such things as me coming up to your house", he adds.
"Stop it. I will start crying if you don't", I chuckle making him laugh as well.

"Anyways, when are you telling me what we're doing today?", I ask.
"Not yet. But I'm glad you chose to wear jeans and not a skirt or something. Not that I think they don't suit you, but jeans are probably better for what we're gonna do, I guess. Also, I like that cardigan a lot. Red really suits you."
"Thanks", I say having to smile and blush again.
The way he compliments me like that makes the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

We drive on for another half hour until we're in Newcastle. Jobe drives into a parking garage, finds himself a spot and parks the car.
As we make our way out of the car park I ask Jobe again what we're going to do.
"So, I thought we'd go ice skating today and afterwards I reserved a table at a cute restaurant nearby", he tells me.

"Oh my god, I love that idea. I haven't been ice skating in a few years. I loved to go to the ice rink as a kid. I've honestly missed going there. Thank you for taking me", I say excitedly.
"I hoped you would like it", Jobe smiles.
I take his hand and start walking faster towards the entrance of the ice rink arena.

We make our way inside and Jobe pays the entrance fee. We then borrow some skates and start walking to some benches on the side of the rink so we can put them on. Both of us then make our way onto the ice. Fortunately, there not too many people here today so we have some space.

I actually haven't been on an ice rink since sometime before covid. When people say you don't forget how to skate they lied to you. The minute I step on the ice I almost slip straight away. Thankfully Jobe is right behind me and holds me upright by my arm.
"You good?", he chuckles.
"Yeah. I just thought it would be easier, but apparently not being on the ice for about four years makes you forget how to skate", I say while I cling to his side.

"I haven't skated in years either but I'm doing alright", he shrugs.
"You're a footballer. You guys are good in any sport it's insane, so I'm not surprised."
He just chuckles again and tries to loosen my hold on him.
"No, no, no, don't let go of me", I squeal slightly.
"I'm not, don't worry. Just let me hold you differently so you won't drag me down with you if you fall", he tells me.

Jobe takes both my hands in his and starts skating backwards in front of me.
"Show-off", I say making him laugh.
We skate on for a while and I start getting the hang of it again. Surprisingly I don't even fall. Every time I feel like I'm going to slip Jobe is always there to hold me. Even though it's kind of exhausting I'm really having fun.


Jobe's pov:

About like 40 minutes or so later we get off the ice and find ourselves a bench again. Both of us start to untie the laces of our skates.
"So, did you have fun?", I ask Maëlys.
"I did, yeah", she smiles back at me, "Thank you again for taking me here."
"You're welcome. Now come on, I'm getting hungry."
"Me too", she chuckles.

After we both put on our shoes I stand up first and reach out for her. She gladly takes my hand and lets me pull her up. We both then return our skates before we make our way outside. Since the restaurant, where I reserved a table, is not too far away, we simply walk there.


the next chapter done for you guys🤝🏼.
god, i never know what to write in my comment in the end lol.
but i do like to add a little personal note in the end ig🤷🏼‍♀️.
anyways, i hope you liked the first part of the date.
pls don't be silent readers🙏🏼.
see you in the next chapter.
love yous💕

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