chapter 8

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➪ righteous mind - joey bada$$


About three weeks later:


we're still on for tutoring tomorrow, right?

why you asking?

just wanted to make sure ig
also, we need to find another place to meet up
they've got some tests at the academy and they need the rooms

you could come over to my house if you want
mason said he'd head to his girlfriend's place after training so he won't distract you

why would he only distract me?

because i've learned how to tune him out
i'm not sure if you can do that🤷🏽‍♀️
he has a habit to distract people😀

i've noticed💀

so are we gonna meet up at mine then?

sure, yeah, let's do that
i mean i know where you live so i won't have a problem finding my way there

stalk much?

shut up


The next day:

Maëlys' pov:

As I'm just heating up the water for some tea, the doorbell rings. Leaving the kettle do it's thing, I head out of the kitchen and to the front door. Opening the door I find Jobe standing on the other side of it.

"Hey. Come in", I say and let him walk inside.
"Thanks. So, how are you doing?"
"I'm good. What about you? How was training?"
"Training was good, exhausting but good. As for me, I'm doing alright."

After he hung up his jacket on one of the coat hangers I start walking back towards the kitchen with him following behind.
"I'm just making some tea for my mum and I, you want one as well?", I ask him.
"Sure, if you're offering. Thanks."

I take out three cups out of the cabinet before I walk over to the fridge to grab the milk. After placing everything on kitchen island I put one teabag in each of the cups. Looking up, I see him still standing opposite from me watching what I'm doing.
"You can sit down, you know", I chuckle.
Letting out a laugh he does as I say and takes a seat at one of the barstools.

After the water finished heating up, I take the kettle and pour water in each of the cups before slowly adding some milk.
"Do you want sugar in your tea?"
"No, I'm good without."
I put a spoon in one of the cups and slide it over to Jobe.
"There you go."
"Thank you."

As I put some sugar in my mum's cup and mine as well, my mum enters the kitchen.
"Oh, hello, Jobe. Mason is not at home, you know. He's at his girlfriend's", my mum tells him.
"I'm actually not here for your son today, Mrs Burstow", he replies.
"Well, first, I've told you multiple times now that you can call me Samira. And second, what are you here for then?", she asks as she walks over to me.
"Thank you, sweetie, by the way for the tea", she says as I hand her her cup.

"Mum, I told you yesterday that Jobe would come over for tutoring, remember?"
"Oh god, you're right, I completely forgot. Well, then I won't hold you back from your studying anymore."
After giving us both a smile she starts walking out of the kitchen.
"It's not studying. I'm literally getting payed for this", I call after her but she doesn't hear me anymore. Jobe just chuckles.

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