chapter 24

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➪ wonderful - travis scott


A few days later:

Jobe's pov:

"I'm honestly surprised mum only flew in today", Jude chuckles.
I'm currently on facetime with my brother. He called me a few minutes ago and now we're just chatting until Maëlys comes over for our weekly tutoring session. At the moment we only meet once a week since she's in the middle of tests and needs time on her own to study.

"Well, now we know who's her favourite son", I shrug.
"Just because she stayed in Sunderland for a few days longer doesn't mean anything. She literally lives with me", Jude complains.
"It's honestly funny how easy I can rattle you up", I laugh.
"Piss off", he replies after kissing his teeth.

Just then the door bell rings. As I'm about to get up from the couch my dad comes down the stairs.
"I'll get it, Jobe", he tells me.
Just a few seconds later he opens the front door.
"Hi, you must be Jobe's dad Mark. I'm Maëlys. How are you doing today?", I hear her voice.
"I'm doing good, thank you. Come in", he says and lets her walk past him.

"It's nice to finally meet the girl my son can't stop talking about", my dad laughs.
I have to blush and get up quickly before he can embarrass me further.
"Be right back."
Before Jude can respond I set my phone down on the coffee table and jog towards the hallway.

"Please stop talking, dad. No need to embarrass me", I tell him.
At that he just laughs.
"Alright, I'll leave you two then", he excuses himself and walks away from us.

"Hi", I say with a smile after turning to Maëlys.
"Hi", she replies before she pulls me down by the collar of my hoodie and kisses my lips.
Obviously I kiss her right back.
After we pull apart again I help her out of her jacket and put it on a coat hanger.

"Just so you know, I think it's kinda cute that you talk about me to your dad", she says as we walk towards the couch.
"Not only to him. You don't want to know how many times you've been our topic", Jude's voice comes from my phone on the coffee table.
"Oh, yeah, almost forgot. Jude and I were on facetime when you rang the bell", I tell her and take my phone, "And, Jude, I thought you would've hung up by now."

"Normally I would've. But I need to ask Maëlys something", Jude says.
As I look to my side I see Maëlys pull up her eyebrows in surprise.
"Alright, shoot", she tells my brother as we sit down on the couch.
"What's your friend Amari's Insta? I tried to find her under your followers but whenever I type in her name nothing comes up."

Both Maëlys and I look at each other and share a smirk.
"Wipe those smirks of your faces and just tell me please", Jude says slightly annoyed.
"Okay, sorry, so her username doesn't include her full name. It's just @gottal0veriri and the o in love is spelled with a zero. Why do you want her Instagram though?", she questions.
"To DM her, obviously. And, yes, I'm interested in her, so you don't need to start speculating anything. Just let me do my thing."

"As soon as you text her I'm gonna hear of it not long after anyway", she says with a laugh.
On the screen I just see my brother shaking his head while letting out a laughter.
"Anyways, I'm guessing you have some studying to do so I'll leave you to it", my brother tells us.
"Good luck on the game tonight. I'll text or call you afterwards", I say.
"Thanks", Jude replies.
We all say our goodbyes before I hang up the call.

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