chapter 23

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➪ sonntagabend - dante yn


Maëlys' pov:

"So can I help you with anything?", Jobe asks me.
"Yeah, could you get the milk out of the fridge for me? I forgot to take it with me before", I tell him.
While he does what I asked for I busy myself with washing the paprika and the chili.
A few moments later I feel two arms wrap around my waist. Knowing they belong to Jobe I lean into the touch. He presses a small kiss on my neck before he rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Anything else?"
"You can help me cut up the vegetables", I give him as an answer.
Although I don't want to, I twist out of his grasp and turn around to the kitchen island.
"Alright, which one?", the tall man behind me asks.
"This one", I say and hand him the paprika, "The cutting board and a knife are already on the counter."

"I've never seen anyone put paprika in a lasagne", Jobe says while I grab myself a second cutting board and knife.
"It's good, trust me. My mum and I tried it once and have never left it out since then."
"Okay, you've got me curious now", he tells me and turns back to the counter.

As I start chopping up the chili I notice him just staring at the paprika in his hand trying to find out where to start. The sight of him struggling makes me laugh.
"Have you ever cut a paprika before?"
"Not that I remember", he replies.
"Here, give it to me", I tell him, "You can cut up the onion instead."

"You just want to see me cry, don't you?"
"If you cut it the right way, you don't have to."
I quickly explain it to him before turning back to the vegetables on my cutting board.
Only a few moments later Jobe steps back from the kitchen island rubbing his eyes.
"How did you manage to fuck it up that quick? I literally explained it to you a minute ago", I laugh.
"Shut up", he says but laughs as well.

After we both get back to the chopping my brother and Abdoullah enter the kitchen.
"Jobe, are you crying? Lee, what have you done to the poor boy?", Mason asks jokingly.
"I've done nothing. It's not my fault he can't follow simple instructions", I chuckle.
"I'm not crying. It's just that stupid onion", Jobe tells his friends.
"Sure", Abdy says and sends me a wink making me laugh.

"Anyways, we originally came to the kitchen to ask if you need any help. But it looks like you and Jobe got this, so Abdy and I are gonna go to the backyard and play some football", Mason says.
"Thanks, always so helpful, Mase", I answer sarcastically.
"Jobe, you sure you don't wanna come with?", Abdy asks Jobe.
"I'm good, you guys go though", he replies.

Mason and Abdy then leave the kitchen and head outside.
"You can join them outside and play some footie if you want, you know. I can do this by myself as well", I tell Jobe.
"Nah, it's fine. I play enough football as it is. And right now I'd rather spend time with you", he replies.
I have to smile at his answer and I feel a blush spreading on my cheeks.
He quickly kisses my forehead before he returns back to cutting the onion.


liked by jobebellingham and 564 othersxo

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liked by jobebellingham and 564 others
xo.maëlys_brks some ppl seriously need to learn how to properly chop an onion so they don't cry🤷🏽‍♀️🫣

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jobebellingham shut up🙄
> xo.maëlys_brks i will as soon as you learn how to follow instructions🤝🏽

user94 look at her smiling she's so cute i love her💕
> xo.maëlys_brks and i love you🫶🏽

user125 what is jobe doing in her likes and comments?
> user893 you think they're dating?
>> user125 they could be who knows🤷‍♀️


We continue cooking together until I put the lasagne into the oven.
"Alright, now this just has to stay in the oven for about 45 minutes and then we can eat", I tell Jobe while setting a timer.
"Perfect, then we have more time for this", he says before he pulls me closer. He quickly closes the distance and connects our lips.

I wrap my arms around his neck and lean more into the kiss. He then puts his hands on my waist and slightly squeezes it. Our lips move along with each other in a perfect rhythm. Jobe now full puts his arms around my body holding me close.


Jobe's pov:

Suddenly I hear someone clear their voice interrupting our kiss. Maëlys and I quickly pull apart at the noise and turn to our side only to find my two friends standing in the kitchen.
While Abdoullah has a big smirk plastered on his face Mason's expression looks more serious.

"Mason, don't be mad please", Maëlys says.
"I'm not mad, Lee. I just didn't expect to come in here and see you two kissing", Mason chuckles making Maëlys and I relax a little.
"You're okay with it?", the girl on my side, whose waist I'm still holding, asks.
"I am, I promise. It's just that you kissing Jobe kinda reminds me of you and your ex, you know."

"Well, I'm not Darien. I would never hurt her like that asshole did. So you've got nothing to worry about", I promise him.
"I know you wouldn't. Just please do me a favor and don't kiss my sister in front of me. I don't need to see that", Mason says making us all laugh.

We all decide to settle down in the living room and play some Mario Cart as long as the lasagne's still in the oven.


About 40 minutes later:

As the timer for the lasagne goes off we decide to eat in the living room, so while Maëlys gets it out of the oven the rest of us bring some dishes over to the coffee table in front of the couch.
We let the food cool down a bit and take the time to figure out what movie to watch.

"You guys choose something. After we eat I'm probably gonna fall asleep anyway since I'm already pretty tired now", Maëlys says before demonstrating her tiredness with a yawn.
The boys and I then decide on a classic, Pulp Fiction. Jude got me hooked on it and I did the same with Abdy and Mason, so we all love to watch it now.

While the movie begins to play we each get ourselves a portion of the lasagne and start to eat.
About 20 minutes later we're all finished. Quickly we pause the movie and clean up the dishes before settling back on the couch and focusing back onto the TV.

Maëlys cuddles herself to my side and rests her head on my shoulder. I wrap my left arm around her body and pull her closer before pressing a kiss on her temple.
Like she predicted tiredness overtakes her because only a few minutes later I notice her drift into sleep.

It makes me smile knowing the fact that she feels comfortable and is easily able to fall asleep on my side. I admire her features for a moment before I refocus on the movie.


and another chapter done for y'all.
another simple and sweet one.
also, the song in the beginning is a german one.
since i'm german i thought why not add a german song to a chapter for once.
(the title means sunday evening btw)
i might just start to add some german music every now and then in the future if you want🤷🏼‍♀️.
anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter.
don't forget to comment and vote.
see you in the next update.
love yous💕

feels like french kisses - a jobe bellingham story Where stories live. Discover now