2. Boundaries ❌

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(Draco's Pov)
After dinner I got back to my dorm and noticed a note attached to it.

If you come back after midnight, I'll be asleep. DO NOT BE LOUD, AND DO NOT WAKE ME UP.
If I am still awake, don't talk to me.

Walking in, I looked over at Aurelia's bed.
She was asleep.

I then went to the washroom, and got ready for bed. The washrooms on her side of the room, so when I left I was near her bed.

And that caused me to look at her.
She was a beautiful sleeper.

And one day I'll be right next to her, I know it.

(Aurelia's Pov)
The next morning
It's 5:59am, my class starts at 8:00am.
Perfect, two hours to get ready and eat.

I stretched, and let out a yawn. I rested my head back down, allowing my body to get ready for the day.


My body jumped, and I sat up.
Suddenly the alarm stopped, and Draco immediately hopped out of bed.

"FUCKING HELL." I yelled.
Draco looked at me confused.

"Why is your alarm so loud?" I asked.

"So I wake up." He said.
"Okay but it's too much for the morning.
Can you change the sound?" I said.

"Nope. This gets me alert." Said Draco.
I sighed, and lied back down.

Suddenly he started walking to the washroom.

"Let me go first." I said.
"You snooze you lose." Said Draco.

"I was awake before you."
"But you were in bed." Said Draco.

"Okay well I like to wake up softly, and gradually. Not aggressively." I said.

"But this is how Enzo and I used to wake up."

"Let me switch with Enzo then." I said.
"Fine, I'll change the sound." Said Draco.

I stood up, and went to go to the washroom, but Draco blocked the door.

"I'm first." He said.
"Why do you need to wake up so early?
It's not like you have a whole hair, and makeup routine." I said.

"It takes time to look this good. I shower every morning, blow dry my hair, comb it, then I have to pick out my clothes, and put on some cologne. It's a process." Said Draco.

"I've got a class at 8, and still need to find the classroom. Can I please go first?"

(Draco's Pov)
She looked adorable.
Her eyes were baggy, her hair was a mess, and she could barely stay awake.

"Alright go." I said.
She went to the washroom, and I started picking out my clothes.

It's been about 30 minutes, and she's still there.

"Are you almost done?" I asked.
"Just doing my makeup." She said.

I opened the door and she gasped.
"I could've been naked."

"But you're not, cause you said you were doing makeup. And it's your fault for not locking the door." I said.

"I'm used to living alone. And I'm not done so your gonna have to wait." She said.

"Actually I'm not. I'll be in the shower anyways,
I don't need the mirror." I said.

"You're gonna shower as I'm in the washroom?"

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