45. Valentines day 💃🤌👨‍🎨

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(Mattheo's Pov)
"I've gotta go."
"Right." Said Draco.

I rushed out and went straight to Astorias dorm.

She opened her door and I pulled her out.
"Woah, what's wrong?" Said Astoria.
"I need you to cover for me." I said.


"I didn't go to class today and I told the guys I was with you. I said I saw you upset and spent the day with you."

"And they believed that?" Laughed Astoria.
"What's that supposed to mean?"

"If you saw me upset you'd avoid eye contact and walk away."

"Whatever, can you cover for me or not?"
"Depends. What were you doing?" She asked.

"I was with Aurelia."

"Doing what? Cause if there's some sneaky stuff going on I'll tell Enzo." She said.

"No I'd never." I said.
"Then what?"

"Astoria its nothing to be concerned about."

"Either you tell me or I'll tell them you weren't with me."

This cunt.

"Alright fine. Aurelia goes to therapy and I go with her. Happy?"

"Whys that such a secret?" She said.
"Aurelia doesn't want the guys to know."

"Why doesn't she want the guys to know?
And why are you going with her?"

"You ask too many questions." I said.

"I'm curioussss." She groaned.
"Your age is showing. Seriously you're like a child." I said.

"Whatever. I'll cover for you but don't ever use me like that again." Astoria scoffed.

She went back to her dorm, slamming the door.

(Aurelia's Pov)
February 7th
"You sure you're not hungry?" Asked Enzo.

I was having another low day. I was fine all morning, but after class it hit.

(Lorenzo's Pov)
February 9th
Today Aurelia and I went to the movies.
She was lying on my shoulder, feeding me popcorn.

"This movies so boring." She whispered.
"Yeah, wanna get outta here?" I said.

She nodded and we left the theater.

"What should we do now?" She said.
"There's another movie I wanna watch. We can sneak in." I said.

A grin grew on her face.
"Let's go."

We hid behind the garbage can near the other auditorium.

"How are we gonna get passed the worker?"
She asked.

"We've got magic." I said pulling out my wand.
Aurelia smirked, and I summoned a rat.

"Okay now we need to-"
"Ewww oh my god there's a rat!" Screamed Aurelia jumping out.

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