26. Daphne 🔴🟢

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(Lorenzo's Pov)
I've never felt so disappointed all at once.
How could my friends think I'd do that?

Yes I like Aurelia, but my brain isn't
"finding ways around it"

That made my blood boil.

I wanna go back there and beat the shit out of them. But I'm putting my anger aside because I wanna make sure Aurelia's okay.

Right now shes the most important thing to me.
She trusts me, and I won't risk breaking it.

I can't remember the last time I've been this angry. I wasn't even this angry when the boys pulled the whole "You can't handle her" shit.

I took a deep breath and knocked on her door.
She opened it smiling.

"Thank god." She said pulling me in.

She's happy?

"I felt uncomfortable with them there, but I was hoping you'd come. You did sorta make me feel better." She said.

"I'm really glad. But can I talk to you about something serious?"

"Of course."

"When I was touching the butterflies you started tearing up. Did that make you uncomfortable?"

(Aurelia's Pov)
Oh my god of course he'd think that.

"Not at all. When you were touching me you were so gentle, so careful, I felt the pureness radiating off of you. No one's ever been like that with me.

I guess Draco did that day I cut myself, but he had too. Who wouldn't be gentle in a situation like that?

But Enzo you've always been so genuine to me.

They were happy tears."

"Thank god. The boys had a completely different interpretation." He said.

"What did they say?" I asked.
"It doesn't matte-"

"Let's not do that back and forth thing where I ask you to tell me, and you say no, and I keep asking until you say yes. Tell me."

"I had a huge crush on Daph in year five, and I was very touchy with her. We hooked up a lot, and if we weren't I'd still be touching her.
And they were in places that were sensual.

So what the boys are saying is that when I like someone I can go overboard.

When they walked in your pants were off, and they were confused. I told them you were showing me your tattoo. I know you said not to tell anyone, but there was no way around it.

Then the guys said that because I'm sorta into you but can't be intimate, my brain finds ways around it. That I subconsciously touched your tattoo, because it was close to you know."

I gasped.
"Thats so fucked."

"I don't get how they could think such a thing. Aurelia I have so much respect for you,
I need you to know that."

"I know you do, you always have. Don't let them make you feel bad. Those three like to make small things big. Especially Draco."

"Yeah." Said Enzo.

"They can think what they want, but I know your intentions were pure." I said.

(Lorenzo's Pov)
I left Aurelia's dorm and headed to Daphnes.

"Come in." She said opening the door.
I walked in and sat on her bed.

"What's wrong babes?"
"I never said anything was wrong."

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