7. Muggle Born 🤨

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(Aurelia's Pov)
I just left Dumbledores office.
He apologized for the mixup, then explained that they were busy and that he'd switch Lorenzo, and I in a week.

Now I have to figure out a place to stay.
Hermione's the only one I can ask.

I knocked on her dorm, and she opened it with a smile. Her cheeks were red, her hair was a mess, and her mascara was running.

"Did I catch you at a bad time?" I asked.
"No, we were just finishing." Said Hermione.

She lead me in, and I saw Ron on the bed shirtless.

"Merlin!" I said covering my eyes.

"Don't worry you won't see anything. Ron was just cuddling me like the good boyfriend he is."

I uncovered my eyes, and Hermione threw Ron his shirt.

Ron put it on, and walked over to us.
"Was the move out successful?" He asked.

"Sorta. Dumbledore said I have to wait a week, so I was wondering if I could stay here."

"Sure." Said Hermione.

I felt this wave of relief.

"Are you feeling okay? Something seems off."
Said Hermione.

"I've had an incredibly rough day."
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Asked Hermione.
"No. I don't even wanna think about it."

(Draco's Pov)
Aurelia left hours ago, and my minds been racing ever since.

If she was so okay with self harming, it means there's something else, something much worse thats happened to her.

That has me worried, especially since there's nothing I can do. I know for a fact she won't tell me, she doesn't even wanna be friends.

She was so straight up about it too.
Her honesty was both hurtful, and attractive.

Not that I have any right to be attracted to her.

I know she told me not to, but I need to tell the guys. She actually let me touch her.

That's such a big change to happen in six days. But I know for a fact there was no progress made between us.

I actually think me holding her made it worse.
Something tells me she liked it.

That's why she got so angry.
It was a defense mechanism.

But that's not why I need to tell the guys.

Aurelia put me in a tough position. If you see someone self harming, you're supposed to tell some sort of trusted authority.

It's an unwritten rule.

The guys aren't authority, but they can give me advice on what to do next.

I don't think Aurelia can hate me anymore, so  breaking her trust won't change anything.

(Aurelia's Pov)
I've been lying awake all night. Hermione told me I could have her bed to myself, and she'd sleep with Ginny.

I've been arguing with myself for an hour.

I didn't hate the feeling of a man touching me, and that man was Draco.

No, that can't be it I refuse.

Ever since the situation happened I've been so against any physical touch from men.

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