31. Snow Day ☃️❄️

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(Aurelia's Pov)
December 23rd
Yesterday didn't go so well.
But today should be better.

Today's snow day according to Theo.

"You sure you guys don't wanna come out?"
Asked Theo.

"No." Said Mathheo.
"Yeah, you three enjoy." Said Draco.

"Alright." Said Enzo.

We headed outside, and I shivered.
"Fuck I underestimated the weather." I said.

Enzo wrapped his arms around me, and rubbed my shoulders.

"Aurelia duck!" Said Theo.
I ducked, and watched as a snowball flew over my head, hitting Enzo.

"Oh it's on."
Enzo made a snowball, and I moved to the side.
Theo started backing up, but Enzo's aim was spot on.

Theo shook his head, and I laughed as snow fell from his hair.

I watched as they threw snowballs back and forth. They dodged, and jumped, and fell.

It was like watching children.
They were adorable.

"Theo stop." Said Enzo.
Theo dropped his snowball.

"Look at her, standing there watching.
That's just not gonna do." Said Enzo clicking his tongue.

Suddenly Theo, and Enzo looked at me.

Oh no.

(Mattheo's Pov)
Draco and I were watching. A part of me wanted to join, but it also felt childish.

Theo chucked a snowball at Aurelia, and she smacked it away. Then Enzo threw one, and she ducked.

"Fast reflexes." Said Draco.

We watched as Theo, and Enzo threw snowball after snowball. Aurelia dodged every one.

"She said she's never played in the snow, yet she's so good at snowball fighting." I said.

"She's one of those people who are skilled in every area." Said Draco.

"Reminds me of someone." I said.

"Can't help that I'm naturally gifted."
Smirked Draco.

Draco's always been good at everything.
Sports, school, board games, getting girls, he can draw, play piano, he's good with adults, and old people.

"She hasn't taken one hit yet." Said Draco.
"Should we go help?" I asked.

(Aurelia's Pov)
"You guys suck!" I laughed.
"How are you not getting hit? It's two against one!" Yelled Enzo.

"Because I'm better then you two at everything.
Accept it!" I yelled back.

"You may be better then them.
But you sure as hell aren't better then me."

I felt his presence behind me. His tall figure leaning over my body, the smell of his cologne.

At that moment I knew my snowball fighting reign was about to end.

I felt him wrap his arm around my waist, and hold my wrists with one of his hands.

I tried prying away, but Draco was too strong.
"Wait!" I said.
"Hm?" Said Draco.

"Obviously we're the best. How about we form an alliance?" I said.

Draco's hand on my wrists loosened, and I smiled. Draco then spun around, and I watched as his snowball whipped into Mattheos face.

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