16. Halloween 👊

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(Aurelia's Pov)
The next day
I woke up with a headache.

Hermione, and Ginny were getting ready, Cho, and Luna left.

"You're alive!" Said Hermione.
"I wish I wasn't."

"Aww hangover?" Asked Hermione.
"You got pretty wasted last night." Said Ginny.
"Here." Said Hermione handing me an ice pack.

I put it on my forehead and groaned.

"Yeah you're not going to class. I'll stay back and watch you. Mione you can go to class."
Said Ginny.

(Hermione's Pov)
I just got to potions, and sat with Harry guys.
"How'd it go with Aurelia?" Asked Ron,

"It went really good. We were singing, dancing, playing games, watched a movie, got drunk. Aurelia got especially drunk."

"What do you mean?" Asked Ron.

"Whenever the slytherins were brought up she would start chugging her drink. They probably fucked her up." I said.

"Those bastards do that to you." Said Ron.

(Draco's Pov)
Of course we were eavesdropping.
Aurelia didn't come to class, we were curious.

"Look what you did to her Draco. This is your fault." Said Theo.

Theo's been angry with me lately. He thinks it's my fault she left.

"Maybe she had her reasons, don't take it out on Draco." Said Mattheo.

Enzo for some reason doesn't care Aurelia isn't hanging out with us anymore.

"But something did happen." Said Hermione.
"What?" Asked Harry.

"At the end of the night, she started crying."

"We had a talk, and it got personal for a few of the girls, including Aurelia.

I think watching the way we were all there for each other triggered her.

She said the reason she was crying was because she's never experienced that before. The way we supported her." Said Hermione.

"Wow, that's deep." Said Theo.

"Who cares? The more you think about her, harder it's getting." Said Enzo.

"I feel bad for the girl. I feel like she's been through a lot." Said Harry.

"Luna thinks Aurelia's holding back. That she has all this pain, and suffering in her."

"Fuck that's dark." I said.

"Is that what you think?" Asked Ron.

"She's not like us, she doesn't care about friendships, or anything. She didn't even wanna come to the sleepover at first."

"See Theo, it's not my fault she left. She just doesn't want friends." I said.

"I hate to say it, and I really like her, but I think she's a troubled girl." Said Hermione.

"How?" Asked Harry.

"Not sure. There's something dark, but it's not her herself, it's something else." Said Hermione.

"I can't help but agree with the Mudblood.
Her memorys clearly something horrific."

(Theodore's Pov)
I know it wasn't Draco's fault.
But it's easier to blame him, then accept she doesn't want us around.

When Aurelia looked me in the eye and said she didn't care it hurt.

I really like her. I don't care if she has issues, or a rough past. I don't care if she's gonna move away, I can handle long distance.

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