77. The Purpose of Life

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(Draco's Pov)
The next day
I woke up alone.

I got up and walked into Aurelias room.

What the hell?

It was cleared of her stuff.
All that was left was a note on her bed.

Dear Draco
As you may have noticed, I am gone,
and I won't be returning.

I'm sorry.

Yesterday was a goodbye to everyone.

It's why I told the boys to return to their lives, why I kissed you the way I did, why I made sure you knew how much I loved you.

I'll never stop loving you,
no matter the distance.

I know this is gonna be difficult, but I also know how strong you are. You'll get through this.

And I promise you're better off without me.

I may have brought joy to your life, but I've brought even more pain.

I wish I'd left all that time ago as planned, because the pain of me moving would've been easier than the pain of our loss.

But I didn't, and now I'm suffering the consequences. So before something worse happens I'm leaving for good.

And you can't stop me.

By the time you read this I'll already have packed my belongings and left. You won't find a trace of me.

I was gonna leave something physical behind, maybe a shirt, or shorts, but I decided not to.

I wanted to disappear completely. I didn't want you to hold on to something of mine, hold on to a part of me.

So the only thing I left were the hickeys on your neck. But those will gradually fade, and I hope I do too.

I want you to move on.

Now I'm gonna need you to listen closely.
When I say this next part your first reactions gonna be to stop reading, and start looking.

Don't, it's too late.

You may be wondering where I'm off to.
I can't answer that.

I don't know what happens after death.

Yes. I did move, just not in the place you expected. It's heavy, I get that.

A part of me wanted to lie. A part of me wanted to say I really did move countries.

But I know you.

You'd never stop looking if you thought I was alive. And I don't want you to waste your life searching for a person who's not there.

I know you have many questions,
allow me to explain.

I had an eventful morning.
The first thing I did was go to the hospital.

I spent an hour with our baby.

Then I went to a church. I've never been one to believe in god, but I prayed.

I prayed for you, our friends, your parents.
I prayed for everyone who's shown me kindness.

Next I went to my house, I visited my parents.
I killed them.

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