4. Fainted 🍝

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(Aurelia's Pov)
The next day
I woke up at 5:00am. I wanted to be awake before Draco, so I could get ready and leave without contact. I've been walking around Hogwarts for two hours.

I got to potions, and noticed the guys in the back. I sat in the front, far from them.

I stood up to hand in an assignment, and felt this hot rush. I then went to walk, but felt incredibly dizzy.

Grabbing onto my desk, I stabled myself.
What the hell?

I continued walking, and felt my vision going black.

"Hey, are you alright?" Asked this ginger guy.
"Um- I."

I couldn't speak.
My body felt drained.

Suddenly I collapsed.
My head hit the floor, and my heart pounded.

"Hermione! Harry! This girl collapsed!"

The name Hermione sounds familiar.
I think that's the girl Draco hates.

The girl bent down, and grabbed my face.
"Are you conscious?" She asked
I nodded, but I felt incredibly tired.

"I'm- gonna, faint." I said breathlessly.
"Professor Snape! Somethings wrong!" Yelled the ginger.

Snape walked over, and sighed.
"Take her to Madame Pomfreys will you?"
Said Snape.

"Yes sir." Said this guy with glasses.
I felt my body being lifted, but I didn't have the energy to pull away.

I was being carried through the halls, and my stomach looped.

"You're gonna be okay." Said the girl.

I nodded, and closed my eyes.
"We're here, we're gonna lay you down."
Said the girl.

"Oh-oh kay-"

(Hermione's Pov)
I gasped as she passed out.

Madame Pomfrey came over, and checked her pulse. She then fed her a potion.

"This should wake her in an hour. For now I'll do a scan on her body." Said Madame Pomfrey.

She waved her wand, and a bunch of numbers were listed above her.

"Is she gonna be alright?" Asked Ron.

"She has an empty stomach. It seems she hasn't eaten all day." Said Madame Pomfrey.

"Oh no." I said worried.
"When she wakes up make sure she eats a large meal." Said Madame Pomfrey.

"We will." Said Harry.

"She won't be hungry at first, but she is required to eat a heavy dinner." Said Madame Pomfrey.

"Understood." I said.

(Aurelia's Pov)
I felt my eyes open, but didn't recognize my surroundings. I went to sit up, but felt someone push me down.

"Lay down. You're okay." Said the girl.
"What happened?" I asked.
"You passed out." Said the ginger.

And then I remembered.

"Oh god." I groaned.
"Don't worry, everything's okay. My names Harry, this is Hermione, and thats Ron.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Aurelia."

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