51. The Wrong Horse 🐎

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(Draco's Pov)
Knock, knock
I groaned and got out of bed.

"The hell do you want Aurelia it's 12:30?"

The tone in her voice wakened my senses.
"What's wrong?"

She looked down, and I saw blood dripping from her thighs.


"Alright come." I said leading her in.

Why did she do this?

"I'm dripping on your carpet." She cried.
"Don't worry, come to the washroom."

I rushed her in and got on my knees, holding a towel between her legs.

"Sorry for waking you, I had nothing to clean myself with. I didn't know what to do."
She whimpered.

"It's alright, I'll deal with this. All you have to do is relax." I said softly.

"I shouldn't have done it, b-but I couldn't help myself."

"What's done is done. Let's get this sorted first."

Aurelia nodded.

"I'm gonna rinse the blood now."
I helped her in the shower and grabbed the hose. I started rinsing the blood, and felt her eyes pierce into me.

"I k-know you're p-probably-"
Aurelia stopped and took a breath.
"W-wondering w-why-"

"Shh, I know you're a shaken up. Lets clean you, and you try and center yourself. Tell me after."

She nodded and I finished rinsing the blood.

I grabbed the alcohol wipe and winced.
Her cuts were very deep today.

"Take a breath."
She inhaled, and I wiped her first cut. She groaned and I rubbed her sides.

"One more."
She sucked air through her teeth and gripped me as I wiped her second cut.

"I'm sorry, you were probably asleep. I j-just didn't know where else to g-go."

"Hey, don't ever think you can't come to me."

(Narrators Pov)
Draco finished the first bandage and looked at her second cut.

He hesitated.
"Aurelia I need to stitch you."

Aurelia's heart raced.
"Are you s-sure?"

"It's deep, I'm afraid you'll get an infection.
I'll be as gentle as possible, if you want me to go slower let me know."

Aurelia got a sense of deja vu.


Draco entered the first needle and Aurelia winced. Draco looked up at her.


Draco finished stitching her and stood up.
"Done, you did really good. So let's talk now. What happened?"

"It's nothing." Said Aurelia.

"Please don't give me that. I need to know."

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