75. Love 💕

44 3 25

(Daphne's Pov)
"Body shot! Body shot! Body shot!"
Enzo took a shot off my stomach, and everyone cheered. We were at a club.

Suddenly I felt my phone buzz.

Message from Groupchat
Aurelias going into labour -Draco.


(Aurelia's Pov)
The doctor walked in and handed me a gown.

"Hi, my name is Stella and I'll be your delivery doctor. You are two months early, but not to worry. I'm gonna ask you to put the gown on."

Draco and I went into the washroom so I could change. I looked in the mirror and Draco spun me around.

"Damn you make everything look sexy."

We left the washroom, and I got back on the bed. The nurse put on a glove.

"I'm now gonna perform a cervical test to check your dialation."

I nodded, and Draco rubbed my thigh.

"You're five centimeters, which is halfway!"
She smiled.

The door opened, and another nurse came in.

"Before we do the epidural you're gonna need to have one more contraction." Said Stella.

They hooked me up to a monitor, and it started beeping.

"Is that the baby?" I said.
"Yup, that's her little heart." Said Stella.

I teared up and looked at Draco. Stella did a scan with her wand, and typed on a keyboard.

"Baby girl is healthy, and her head is positioned perfectly." Said Stella.

"Oh thank goodness." Said Narcissa.

Suddenly another contraction hit, and I watched it on the monitor. It was a small spike for such a big feeling. It finally ended and I sat up.

The nurses lifted my gown, and Draco stood behind me.

"We're gonna insert the needle now, you're gonna feel a pinch." Said Stella.

(Draco's Pov)
Fuck that needle was long. I winced just looking at it. I stood behind her and held her shoulders.

"Ready darling?"

They inserted the needle, and Aurelia took it like a pro. But I guess she's experienced worse.

"You did so well dear." Said Stella.
"Yeah that was amazing." I said kissing her.

"When will it kick in?" She asked.
"10-15 minutes." Said Stella handing Aurelia a remote.

"This isn't won't fully numb you, because you'l be unable to move. However the pain will drop.

If you need stronger relief press this button, and it will administer more." Said Stella.

"Got it." Said Aurelia.

"This machine wheels around, so you aren't forced to remain in bed."

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