66. Missing 🩻

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(Aurelia's Pov)
I just got my x-rays done. Draco and I were waiting in the doctors room.

The doctor turned her computer towards us.

"So the reason the pills had a reverse effect is because you're pregnant. The-"

"I'm actually currently menstruating. So that's not possible." I said.

The doctor zoomed in on the x-ray.
"I'm pretty certain that's a baby."

"We haven't had intimacy in the way that causes pregnancy for months." Said Draco.

"Let's do an ultrasound to get a proper look." She said.

She led us to a new room and walked out.
We bursted out laughing.

"Could you imagine if I was pregnant?"
"That would be insane." Laughed Draco.

"But hey your wish would come true."
"My wish?" Said Draco.

"That day during the picnic. You were literally in tears at the thought of never having babies with me." I said.

"That's when I thought you were leaving forever!" Pouted Draco.

I awed.

The doctor came back.
"Could you lie here and lift your shirt." She said.

She then put this gel on me, and turned on the ultrasound machine.

"It is indeed a baby."

She turned the screen around and I gasped.
That does look an awful lot like a baby.

"That's really not possible. We've been safe every time." I said.

"What was your method of safety?" She said.

"I've used an anti pregnancy spell after we've had intercourse." Said Draco.

"The pills she's on targets her hormones, and the anti pregnancy spell targets her hormones. You're not supposed to use the spell as a form of prevention when you're on pills. They can clash." Said the doctor.

am I actually?

I looked at Draco and he laughed nervously.
"But she's currently on her period."

"I get that this is a shock, but it explains everything.

When you're pregnant your hormones are going crazy, and like I said the pills you're on effects your hormones.

Thats another clash. That's why your low days have been increasing.

There's different pills we prescribe for pregnant women to avoid this reverse effect." She said.

"But my low days increasing isn't recent."

"Well this isn't a recent pregnancy." She said.

"What if it's Enzo's?" I whispered.
Draco's eyes widened.

"How far along am I?" I asked.

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