30. Christmas Tree 🎄🍪

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(Aurelia's Pov)
The next day
I woke up to Theo barging in my room.

"Morning. Time for breakfast." He said.
"I'm tired."

Theo walked over, and scooped me out of bed.
"You can't be tired, we have so much to do."

"Like?" I asked.

"Decorate the tree, make a snowman, I don't know, Christmasy things."

"I've never done any of those things."
"You never had a Christmas tree?" He asked.

"I did, but we had people to set it up.
My parents said it was peasant work."

"Well this break I'm gonna show you the joys of winter."

We headed downstairs and the guys were pouring food. Narcissa was humming to herself as she cooked, and Lucius was reading a newspaper with a cup of coffee.

I walked over, and Enzo handed me a plate.
"So what's the plan for today?" Asked Theo.

"Nothing?" Said Draco.

"But it's the first day of winter break, and Aurelia's here. You know she's never built a snowman?" Said Theo.

"Yeah. My parents didn't let me play in the snow. They didn't want me getting sick."

"That's depressing." Said Draco.

"It's exactly why we're gonna make this break amazing." Said Theo.

We finished eating, and Theo came over to me.

"The boys don't wanna go anywhere, but I'm taking you out. Make sure you're warm.
We'll be outside." Said Theo.

(Theodore's Pov)
I'm not too upset the guys didn't wanna come.
I wouldn't mind alone time with Aurelia.

I went downstairs and waited on the couch. Aurelia walked down.

She was wearing this big jacket, with a pair of gloves, and earmuffs.

"You know we're inside right?" Said Draco.
"Leave her alone, she looks adorable." I said.

"Like an Eskimo." Said Mattheo.
"A cute Eskimo." Said Enzo.

"Thanks." Said Aurelia.
"Where you taking her?" Asked Draco.

"It starts with Ice and ends with skating." I said.
"I love ice skating!" Said Aurelia.

"I wanna come. I thought you were gonna take her somewhere boring." Said Mattheo.

"Yeah. I can't believe you were gonna go without us." Said Draco.

"Let's all go." Said Enzo.

"Merlin okayy." I said raising my hands.

The guys left to get ready, and I sat next to Aurelia. She played with her hair, and I couldn't help but watch.

She was just so beautiful. Her golden hair, her perfect nail beds, her long eyelashes, her clear skin. But she's so much more then her that.

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