25. Erised 🦋

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(Aurelia's Pov)
November 21st
I'm finally done listening to Draco.

Every morning at 7:00am, he'd make me bring breakfast to his dorm. At 10:00pm he'd make me bring him hot chocolate.

I took notes for him everyday, did all of his homework, and cleaned his and Enzo's dorm.

But I was grateful.
If he took it easy, he'd be showing me pity.

I fucking hate pity.

"Does that make sense to you?"
"Yeah, thanks Aurelia."

I've been tutoring Theo in all his classes.
Draco used to tutor him, but Theo said I was more patient.

He closed his notebook.

"You know I'm not dumb right? I struggle at school, but there's so many other things I'm good at." Said Theo.

"I know. You don't have to convince me."
"Have you seen me play quidditch?" He asked.

"No, but I bet you're amazing. Look at those arms." I said squeezing his biceps.

He chuckled.

"And it's clear you don't skip leg day." I said looking at his calves.

Theo's body was very structured. He was actually a very attractive man. He was the tallest of the guys too.

"I should start working out. Change some of this thigh fat into muscle." I said.

"Nah. You're perfect." He said.
"I never said I wasn't. I just said I wanted muscle."

Theo's face dropped, and I laughed.
"I'm fucking with you Theodore."

Authors note:
If you understand Italian please correct any wrong translations

"Sei davvero una delle ragazze più belle che abbia mai visto." Said Theo.
(You really are one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen)

I looked at Theo and blushed.

"Non farmi piangere." I responded.
(Don't make me cry)

"Piangi quanto vuoi amore, è vero."
(Cry all you want love, it's true)

I smacked his shoulder.
"Don't call me love."

"Why? It sounds so sexy in Italian."
He whispered.

My face heated up, and I looked down.
"Am I making you nervous?"

His voice rasped, and I couldn't help but smile.
"No." I said.

"Allora perché non mi guardi bella?"
(Then why aren't you looking at me beautiful?)

"Stop." I groaned.

I watched as Theo went to rest his hand on my cheek. He hesitated.

"It's okay." I said.

His hand touched me, but it shook. I put my hand over his, stabling it.

"You don't have to be afraid to touch me."

His thumb rubbed circles into my cheek, and I felt my body relax.

"I think todays a happy day for me." I said.
"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You know. Some days you're depressed, other days you're happy." I said.

Theo's hand fell from my face.
"That's not normal." He said.

"Even within days I'll be really happy, and hours later I'll feel depressed."

"That isn't right." Said Theo.
"I guess I'm just a bit unstable." I laughed.

Theo laughed, and patted my shoulder.
"Yes Aurelia, yes you are."

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