74. Rushed 💨

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(Draco's Pov)
September 5th
Summers over, everyone's back on schedule.
Yesterday Enzo and Daph headed to the train.

I'm glad they're traveling together. It's gonna help them figure out their relationship.

As for Aurelia and I, we're doing stronger than ever. She is however having a rough time today.

She's having a low day, and the babies foot is stuck in her rib.

"Draco I need you to massage right here."
I rubbed a spot on her stomach.

"Ow! That's too hard." She said.

I rubbed again.
"No." She yelled shoving me off of her.

She then sat up, and cried into her arms.
"I'm sorry Draco."

I wrapped my arms around her, and rested her face against me.

"I don't like people apologizing for things that aren't their fault." I said.

She sighed and leaned back. Suddenly her stomach growled.

"Didn't you eat an hour ago?" I laughed.

She looked up at me with those beautiful big eyes, and her lip started quivering.

"No, it was a joke, it-"
She bursted into tears, and I pulled her in again.

"I'm only teasing darling. You need extra food, you have two people to feed. What do you want me to make you?" I asked.

"A cheeseburger with fries?"
"Of course."

(Aurelia's Pov)
September 7th
The time I dreaded finally came. I can no longer reach below my stomach without a struggle.

I walked out of the washroom.

"Draco I need your help."
"What's going on?"

"I can't shave my legs, or my-"
I looked down.

"Then don't." Said Draco.

"I may be blonde, but I'm also Italian. I probably grow more body hair than you." I laughed.

"That's fine. Falls coming, you need to stay warm." Smirked Draco.

I scoffed and punched his shoulder.
"Seriously though, I need you to help me."

We went to the bathroom, and I handed him the razor and cream.

"Strip, let's get in the shower." He said.
I hesitated.

"What's wrong?"
"I'm kinda embarrassed." I said.

"In two months I'm gonna watch you push our baby out. I don't care about your body hair."

"You wanna watch?" I said.
"Hell yeah, it's gonna be so badass." Said Draco.

I laughed.

"You're brave. I feel like men are hesitant to see." I said.

"Well I'm not afraid of a women's body."
"I'm sure you aren't. You've seen so very many."

"Perhaps. But theres only one that drives me crazy." He rasped.

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