8. Too Much to Handle ✋

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(Draco's Pov)
Classes ended, and the guys and I went to Mattheo, and Theo's dorm.

"Okay. I was leaving a girls dorm 2am, and I saw Aurelia. I asked what she was doing and she said she had a lot on her mind.

Anyways we get to talking, and I find out she's staying in Grangers dorm for now. And of course I say why would you wanna stay with her, she's a Mudblood.

And then Aurelia goes so am I.
So I'm in shock.

And she gets pissed at me, it was scary honestly. But it ended with me telling her not to tell you guys. And of course she's like why would I care? Draco was an ass to me.

So she gets more pissed, and tells me to leave." Said Enzo.

"So that's why she just walked up to us."
Said Mattheo.

Enzo looked at me.
"Nothing to say?" He asked.

"You said she had a lot on her mind?" I asked.
"Yeah, but that wasn't the point of my story."

"Did she seem happy, or sad when she said that?" I asked.

"Why, did you do something?" Asked Theo.

Oh boy.

"Yesterday after potions I had an hour before my next class so I went to my dorm to see if she was done. At first I didn't see her, then I went to the washroom."

I stopped.
"Then?" Asked Mattheo.

"You guys can't tell anyone this. I'm only telling you because I don't know what to do."

My jaw clenched, and I rubbed my eyes.

"I go into the washroom, and she's there.
There's blood dripping down her legs.
Then something stabbed into my foot.

A blade."

"Holy shit." Whispered Theo.

Lorenzo shook his head, and laughed.
But it wasn't a happy laugh, it was a laugh in disbelief.

"This is your guys's fault. The three of you don't know when to shut up. You take things too far, and for what? All she said was no to shagging."

Enzo's voice wavered, and you could tell he was trying to hold back his anger.

"Enzo let me finish my story."
"She cut her thighs right?" Asked Enzo.

"Yeah but-"

"I don't wanna hear it. Don't you dare say you guys don't feel guilty now. First she starved herself, and now this, over words you didn't even mean. I feel like I need to apologize to her now." Said Enzo standing up.

"Wait sit down, I wasn't even supposed to tell you guys." I said.

"Please just fuck off. I can't even be in the same room as you three. What you did was unforgivable." Said Enzo walking to the door.

Out of the four of us Enzo's the one who's the best at keeping his cool. So when he does get angry, you know he's really upset.

"She let me touch her."
Enzo turned around, and looked at me.

"She let me touch her, and hold her, and clean her." I said.

Mattheo, and Theo gasped, and Enzo ran his fingers through his hair.

He walked back over, and sat down.
"What the hell happened?" He said.

"I asked what she did, and she refused to tell me at first. After going back and forth, I asked her to pull her shorts up so I could see it.
She said no at first, so I got on my knees, and lifted them myself."

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