wet meetings

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Fanny's POV
I woke up to the beautiful sound of nature.People found it shocking that I loved nature.Just because I got into fights and partied had doesn't mean you will not find me petting and singing to birds.

I was 18, free to do as I pleased.I lived with my dad, Henry,he was a single father who raised two girls.

My older sister Mary,was the epitome of the ideal woman, while I was the odd one,the black sheep.She was older by only one year.We had another sister.She was five years older than me.She lived with my mom.

Mom.it sounds so foreign,I was little when she left,my dad didn't tell us much.From what we gathered,mom was involved in the mafia,to protect us, she had to stay away.

We could only meet her when we turned 18,my eldest sister,sam is currently with her.Mary on the other hand doesn't want to be with her.She was the ultimate daddy's girl and wanted to be with him.

She was very loyal, pathetic.She also despised our mom,we all know it's because she left dad heartbroken.

I on the other hand couldn't wait to meet her for the first time.I was happy because in a few weeks,I was going to her.

I dashed out of the house and ran towards the River behind our ranch .I stripped out of my clothes and dove in.The best type of bath,was that of nature.I swam further around.

I was stopped by the scene of my innocent sister was kissing,a man.

And when I say a man,I mean a manly Greek god .She had good taste.darmn he even had a tattoo on his arm.He had such piercing green eyes .

Those green eyes found my blue ones,he was devilishly handsome,he looked more mature,more firm .He didn't even flinch that I caught them but my sister did.

She pulled away as I slowly emerged from the river .I was bare infront of them.I didn't give a crap.

Fanny:sisterr(I rolled off) didn't know you had company.
Mary:estefania, please don't tell Dad.
Fanny: and break his heart, of knowing that he is no longer his little girl's love.You found a replacement,a handsome one at that.

Mary: estefania
Fanny:relax,he is my type, clearing not compatible (he only raised an eyebrow)how old is Joseph?
Mary:his name is not Joseph .
Fanny:oh, that means you are a virgin either,is Jesus even real

Mary:be respectful.
Fanny:says the little innocent princess who is here kissing a stud . He seems dangerous,the more reason to tell father.
Mary:you don't even care about me.
Fanny: right,I ain't no snitch.

(The sound of a galloping evaded our eyes)
Fanny: great seeing you,..
(I say as I dress up)
(His voice was dangerously deep,it fit his mascular physiche.Soon my baby came in on his horse.He was innocently handsome,which I loved so much)

Fanny:catch you guys later(I climbed into the horse.We went on a ride. )
I want to be in control.
Fanny: fine.

And then I slumped off a running horse.

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