you are mine.

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Alex's POV
I met up with Mary at our old spot, surprisingly she requested that we met there.She immediately hugged me.she had been crying.

We went to sit by the rock.
Alex:why are you crying?who hurt you.
Alex: did he hit you!
Mary: no, he just said some bad words.We have been fighting lately and I needed someone to talk to.

Alex:why me?
Mary: because you are the cause of our fights yet you are the solution.
Alex: how?
Mary: I wanted to know if we can be friends?
Alex:friends? you know we can be more than that.

(Saying that didn't even sit well with me)
Mary: no,am married to Pablo.
Alex: then why am I here?
Mary: I still love you Alex, that's why Pablo is fighting me.
(She cried out.I couldn't help but kiss her gently.I have always had a soft spot for her)

Alex:I will teach him a lesson.
Mary:let it be,he will just start with the fights, Pablo and I..(I stopped listening as she talked on and on about Pablo.She was hurting, and I was here for her,but she was now calm,I didn't need to keep hearing about her married life with Pablo.)

It made me furious.Then fanny came in mind.I was surprised to see her in my house.She had a beautiful body,I tried to focus on that yet my eyes wondered into her blue ones.

When she came onto me and kissed me,I melted .I quickly pulled away,I was not going to fall into her trap.But I felt so safe in the comfort of this little devils hands.

She intrigued me, she challenged me,she call for my attention not only with her antics.Her eyes felt so welcoming.She was drawing me in, and I was slowing going in.

All I thought of was her as Mary kept talking about Pablo.I soon got bored.We parted ways nicely.

Few days passed and I receive a call from a crying Mary, telling me that Pablo had kicked her out.

She asked if she could stay ,which I agreed on.She told me that somebody had taken pictures of her and I kissing while sitting on the rock in the forest.

I knew only one person who could do this, Estefania.

I took off angrily.I budged into her house and drag her up by the hand .
Alex:why did you show Pablo pictures of Mary and I kissing?
Fanny: because you are mine.
Alex:you better not cause problems for Mary,go after Pablo.

Fanny:I may love him but he isn't the one am getting married to, you are.Like it or not,those two are married and we will soon get married.
Alex: it's only on paper.
Fanny:we will see about that.

Alex: don't think you can use me in your jealous antics.
Fanny:what do you mean?
Alex:you are jealous of your own sister,you are jealous that she took Pablo and now you are jealous that she has me.

fanny:you think so highly of yourself.Do you think am interested in something like you?you are right I am jealous of my sister ,but remember that you and I are going to get married and I won't stand for you to go behind my back and be with my sister.

Alex:you can do the same.
fanny:screw Pablo,you are mine.

Then he kissed me hard.

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