the devil herself

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Alex's POV
She attempted to use her jacket,to clean my car,she bent all the way.She had a slender waist,but her hips were a complete contrast,they were wide,so was her ass.Focus Alex.

Alex: enough.
Fanny:suit yourself.
(She proceeded to sit on my car,this girl)I will cut to the chase,we run this part of Mexico.
Alex:no,we have been running it for years.

fanny: that's because we let you run it,but we are expanding our empire,so we are about to take our city back.
Alex:I have no problem, having your blood on my hands.

Fanny:darmn,is that before or after you spank me(she winked.The other woman came to us)
Sam:are you really flirting when we have business to take care of.

fanny: all work and no play,makes Jill a horny girl.(she smirked)
You haven't changed much Alex,you have grown more muscle, and taller.Those hands have gotten bigger,I wonder what it can do.

Alex:you better cut to the chase.
fanny: fine, let's find a room.
(She was trying to get under my skin,it worked)

Once upon a time,there lived two best friends in the mafia,who conquered all there was to be conquered.But then a woman came in and they both fell for her.It turned bloody and the two friends fought each other after one, the one on our side got the girl.The one on your side got vengeful and that's when the war of this city started.Our leader,let it go because he wanted peace but you guys attacked anyway and killed our leader,aka my mom's first husband.

She was the girl they were fighting over,your leader managed to kill ours,so my mom killed yours.Then your daddy,your leader's other friend took over, and now it's a tug of land.We want our land back.

Alex: your mom gave up on it.
fanny: temporarily because,we her kids lived around,she didn't want us looking at my tities,you can tell we are all grown up.You have been warned Alexandro Romano.

(She got off my car)
Fanny:darmn , am so horny today.
Sam: are you sure , it's not that tall handsome devil right here.sister.
(Offcourse they were sister's.They looked so much alike and acted as such.)

All this while my men were ready for my command.
Sam: let's go, Estefania.

(Estefania, beautiful, definitely doesn't match her personality.I watched as she rode off on her motorcycle following her people)

I knew she was trouble,the first time I met her, five years ago.In nothing but under to be precised

Since then my love for red was sky high.I didn't know,Mary or Estefania were related to her, scratch that, I didn't even know they are her daughters.

Maria Rodriguez was nothing but trouble, and now she had three little photocopies of her.

One am yet to know,one who broke my heart and one who wants to ruin me.

Speaking of Mary it was time to pay her alittle visit.

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