wife meets the mistress

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Fanny's POV
I angrily came home.I knew Sam was involved with a married man.A married man with a son.I dragged her up.
Sam: what's wrong?
fanny: why didn't you tell me that Eric was married?(she was silent)his wife confronted me today thinking I was you.Why would you break marraige.

Sam:he doesn't love her.
Fanny:then why isn't he divorcing her, then
Sam: they have a son.
Fanny: exactly.he will never divorce her, and he will never marry you.so where does that leave you,a side chick forever.

Sam; shut up,I am still your older sister.Look who is talking, the one who his hell bent on ruining her own sister's marriage.
fanny:fine,be like that,atleast I have a purpose.

I walked off.They next day, she had the guts to bring Eric to my mansion.he was her plus one to the gala.

I was dressed in a red fitting dress,with a high slit at the side.I came down to see them.

Eric: fanny I..
Fanny:I never want to see you in my house.go home to your wife and kids.
Sam:why should he go home to a home,he is not happy in.
fanny:then he should divorece her and still keep contact with his son.

Eric: it's not easy as it sounds.you see,ivy and I are in an arranged marriage,I told her on our wedding day,that this was an open marriage.
Fanny:I see,but she is still hurting.
Eric:I didn't mean for her to fall for me,it just happened.

Fanny:I won't meddle in your matter but you better fix things.

(Alex was waiting outside.we came out, our eyes met.he looked amazing and breathe taking.We went to the gala,but before we could enter,ivy approached us.She looked very beautiful.)

Eric: what are you going here
Ivy:I should be asking her.she maybe your girlfriend,am your wife.The whole world knows it.When it comes to paper,she means nothing.

Eric:why are you being so mean to her?
Ivy:me?you two keep hurting me (her eyes filled up with tears.This was so sad.I noticed sam feeliing the same way.both women were suffering while the man who caused all this was fine.pathetic)

Ivy: shutup,I know you two were together when we were thrown into this marraige.do you think I didn't have a life before this? do you think that I didn't love someone!(the tears came down her face)I was forced into this,yet I was able to live with it until you came back into Eric's life, and I was forced into an open marriage.do you know how hard it is,to know that your spouse is cheating on you, and you can't do a thing about it.

Sam's POV
That hit me.I felt the same way when Eric told me ivy was pregnant.I realise now,I will forever be a side piece.he would never marry me.When I heard of his arranged marriage,he made a promise that he would never be intimate with her.He lied.

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