The arranged marriage

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Fanny's POV
Sam's phone kept ringing,I came into her room but she was in the shower.
I took her phone.Then I saw a message

"Am sorry, can't make it this evening,I need to take the wife and kid out"

What the hell?Sam came out.She tensed seeing me with her phone.She took her phone back.
Fanny: who's wife and kids?Sam?
Sam:his brother's.

Fanny:are you sure?
Sam:yes, why are you overreacting?
Fanny:just be careful fanny.

I walked off.later on that night I got a call from mom.She would soon be coming to Mexico for a while.

There has to be a huge agenda behind this.The next day,we went to get her at the airport.We didnt even get to the mansion,she told us that she had other business in the other parts of Mexico,but first she had one stop.

That stop,was surprisingly at the Romano's house .I had a bad feeling about this .We entered the mansion with a few men,we were that confident.

We sat down without even being told to.I met eyes with Alex and smirked,he just raised an eyebrow .I had grown fond of him,i.e the flirting,but I realized that my liking to him had gotten stronger.

I hated it, because I couldn't get rid of it, why?I have a feeling this started the first day I met him, which was five years ago,but I was blinded by Pablo's love to see it.

Dante: it's pleasant to see you again,Maria.
Maria:cut to the chase, Dante.I have other places to be.
Dante ;I came to ask for a peace treaty
Fanny:are you that scared?

Alex:we are never scared.
Fanny: then why this?
Sam: let's hear them out.
Maria: exactly(mom gave me a pointed look.)

Dante: peace is better,it is the only way we can bring peace to auturo and Diablo.
Maria: it's long overdue, isn't it? You had to attack us for your own mistake.
Alex:what mistake?

Maria:oh you don't know? I initially came to kill Diablo,but I couldn't find it in my heart to kill him, because I also loved him.but I loved auturo more so I had to kill Diablo.It was still hard to kill him, then Dante showed up and made it easier.He tried to shoot me but Diablo took the bullet instantly killing him.

He had paid for killing auturo.There was no need for war,but Dante couldn't take it, and started the war.Its too late for peace Dante.

Dante:think about auturo.That was his last wish, for a peace treaty so stronge, stronger than friendship, which is matrimony.

(I tensed knowing where this was going.There was a long pause until mom spoke)

Maria: fine.your son and my youngest daughter.

(I tensed.Alex and I shared a glance.We were both pissed.After the meeting,we came out)
Fanny: who are you to decide for me!
Maria: enough Estefania.
Fanny:no! All you do is ruin our lives!it was because of you that mary Married Pablo and ruined my life.My life is already fucked up, and now you want to kill me?Just dissapear from my life like you have always done.

I walked off.

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