origin story (how it began)

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Fanny's POV
Maria:my dad had secretly fixed my marraige with Diablo,it was after my dad's death that I found out .To our shock he was auturo's best friend.

We had to respect the contract or my dad's empire would crumble.I kept my distance from auturo,and spent time with diablo.Diablo was a quick tempered man,yet he had a soft spot .

I fell for Diablo too.now I stood confused.I didn't know who I wanted to be with,on top of it I somewhat had a crush on your dad.am so messed up

Fanny: no,you aren't,it's normal to have these feelings and confusion,am sort of going through the same.go on.

Maria: auturo and Diablo still continued their friendship but it was Abit strained.Diablo loved me and he made it possible to terminate the contract.

I was free to marry whomever I wanted,but who?I soon chose auturo which broke Diablo.diablo thought I would choose him or love him more if he let me go.

He felt betrayed and succumbed to his voilent nature.he went as far as to kidnap me, which forced auturo to fight back.

Their brotherhood was shattered and I was to be blamed.during one of their last  and final match, Diablo managed to kill auturo.I arrived at the scene.auturo hesitated to kill Diablo, but Diablo took that opportunity and killed auturo .

Diablo was blinded by his Rage,when he realized what he had done,it was too late.He went for a month and when he returned.I went to war with him, which lead to Diablo taking bullet for me, courtesy of Dante.

Diablo died in my arms (she wiped her tears)I lost the two most important men in my life.I was pregnant at the time,with Sam .

Fanny: what?Sam is..
(Sam walked in)
Sam:yes,I am auturo's daughter.(she joined us.mom held us both) mom told me everything when I first moved in with her.This made me love Dad more,he loved me even though I wasn't his biological child.

Maria: that's Henry,he always had a big heart,he was there for me when I lost auturo and Diablo.I was depressed during the one year of your life,sam.it was Henry who was always playing with you, and always bringing you to my side at all times .

He wanted me to form a connection with you, and it worked,my sweet angel.(she smiled at Sam) one day we were ambushed and Pablo's uncle, Ann's brother was with me.He died because of me, to compensate I was forced to give one of my daughters hands to her son Pablo.

I was so sad that your life was going to be ruined by me,then I found out you two were inlove, which made me so happy,but then ann and her husband ruined everything.I am so sorry (she bursts out into tears. We hugged her tightly) everything is my fault,I shouldn't have left you .

Fanny:you did it to protect us .

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