The jealous four

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Eric's POV
In doing so i realised that I treated ivy like a door mat ,she didn't deserve this,she was innocent.

Today when she cried,it broke me and when Sam followed after in tears.I couldn't handle it.I hurt these two women in my life.

I needed to fix things.I needed to respect them both.

For the first time I noticed ivy as she danced,she was so beautiful and selfless.She sacrificed so much for our son, by staying in this toxic marriage.

She just like Sam sacrificed.I admired ivy alot, and it scared me because I didn't want it to distract me from Sam.

I was starting to get jealous seeing her dance with another man.

Fanny's POV
This drama was very sad.My sister was hurt.I needed to speak to her.Alex and I froze in our spots when we saw Pablo and Mary.

They were dancing happily which made my heart race.I felt Alex tense up beside me, but the longer we stood there,the more I realised that they were intentionally making us jealous.

Two can play at that game, before I could act,Alex beat me to it.He kissed me hard,I kissed him back passionately.

It soon dissolved into us kissing not to make them jealous, but for ourselves.We kissed as if we needed each other.We had gathered attention but we didn't care.

All we cared about was our own little world.We pulled away and leaned our heads together.

Alex:what are you doing to me?
Fanny: I could ask you the same.

We went to the dancefloor, right beside the red and angry looking couple.We started dancing,it was soon time to switch partners.

I twirled around only to land in Pablo's arms.I smirked,we started dancing.I decided to play around as I danced seductively.

I looked over to see,alex and mary dancing.It made my blood boil.They seemed to be stuck in a trance.
Why did I feel jealous?

They soon got out of the trance and looked in our direction.I looked away and continued dancing with Pablo.

I was fuming with jealousy when suddenly Pablo lifted my chin up to stare into the same blue eyes that captured my soul.

Pablo was clearly leaning in yet I didn't stop him,our moment got ruined when Alex pulled me away as we switched partners.

I stared angrily at him .he did the same.After the dance,I came out with him on my tail.

Alex:you were going to kiss him.
Fanny: and what do you care?you were also going to kiss her.
Alex:you sound jealous.
fanny:so do you .You know what, Don't get your hopes up because by the end of the day,the are going to be together.

Alex: it's the same with you.Lemme ask,when we kissed was it just an act?
Fanny:did it feel like an act to you?
Alex:no,it felt real .it shouldn't have happened.
Fanny:am glad we are on the same page.

(That was a lie, it hurt so much.)

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