selfless mommy

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Fanny's POV
Maria:being the queen of mafia soon turned deadly,real deadly that Mary got shot at just 3 years were only two when I decided it was best I separated from you are all born in Italy.

I made your dad take you to Mexico to protect you guys while I handle the people who tried or were trying to harm you three.I turned more cold blooded when Mary got shot .

I would cry every night seeing her cry from the bullet wound that was healing.My little Mary,my mini me.Your dad brought her the idea of calling her Mary,she was born December 25th and she had blonde hair,she looked like an your dad named her Mary, after me,but in English.since it was Christmas.

Mary hates me so much for abandoning you guys,what I wouldn't give to shower you three with love.

Sam:you still can.
Fanny:yes mom.
Maria:and Mary?(Sam and I sat silent)
Sam:we have our differences but we will try you want to reunite with dad?

Maria: no,he betrayed me.
Fanny: what?
Maria: I one-day came to secretly see you guys,that was when I saw him in bed with another woman.We had a huge fight.You two were asleep at that time,but Mary wasn't.She recognised me ,she was 8,she hated me for abandoning you guys and then coming back to cause your father pain.your dad was crying like the softie he was which caused Mary say such hurtful things.

Sam:did Mary know that daddy cheated?
Maria: no,I made him keep it that was better being the villain,than letting your dad who has been there for you.
fanny:how could he do that to you?he is a scum.

Maria:why do you hate your father?he raised you.
fanny:yes,but he wasnt there for me, when I was deemed wierd,rebellious and unladylike.he believed them over me and was stricter on me.
Sam:he was stricter on you because of me,I was a rebel ,I nearly ruined my life,he didn't want the same for you.

Fanny:I don't care.
Maria:this tone of yours will change,he wasn't a good husband but I know he was a good father.I will retire soon,I will get to finally be with you all . Estefania,I will make sure that you won't get married to Dante's son.

Fanny:let it be mom, it's a price am willing to pay.
Maria:no,I want you to be happy.
Fanny: trust me mom,am ok.

We sat like this in silence.Mom went through alot.she lost her mom,the love of her life, two of them, and she had to be separated from her three daughters,at such a young age, and her husband cheated on her.

My mom has done everything for us,so it's better I sacrifice for her. I would marry Alex,but will I able to complete my mission of revenge?

Am now stuck in a confusing situation.
what I know now is to marry Alex.

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