going rogue (wedding bells)

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Fanny's POV
I rushed into the church,I wasn't noticed .I saw Pedro and my sister getting married.They didn't seem sorry,they seemed happy

Then I met Pedro's parents eyes,they smiled truimphantly, then I met eyes with my father,who held a pained expression.

The priest asked my sister,she replied yes .I tumbled to the ground even Pablo also replied yes .

Their attention now turned to me,they were stunned to see me.They held guilty expressions but it was too late.

I held back the tears and got up,I had been betrayed by my boyfriend and my own sister.I got up and walked off ignoring the calls from the three people who betrayed me.

Pablo,my sister and my father.

I walked out of the church,but froze seeing the woman infront of me.I was a spinning image of her,just that I had  my father's eyes, and black hair.

She was blonde like Mary.She didn't look a day over forty.She held an expressionless face .

Maria: it's good to see you daughter.
Maria:am proud of you Estefania, you didn't let the tears fall seeing your sister marry the man you love.

Fanny:(anger) they are not worth my tears
Maria: good,am dare to take you home (my dad, Pablo and Mary rushed in)

Henry: Maria.
Maria: Henry. let's go dear.
Pablo: fanny,am so sorry.
Fanny:you promised me Pablo,you broke your promise and I will never forgive you.

Mary:fanny,we didn't mean to hurt you.we just fell in love,am so sorry.
Fanny:betrayal is something I will never forgive.I don't care if you are my sister or my father.
Mary: don't say that.

Mary:shutup mom,this is also your fault .You caused all this . Pablo's uncle died while protecting you ,he was innocent.To compensate,you sold your daughter to give them an heir and to make up for your sins

Maria:I didn't mean to sell any of you,I was looking for a way out,but I stopped when I found out that Estefania had already fallen in love with Pablo .It was the perfect fix, until your father fucked up.

Mary: don't blame dad for your mistakes.
Fanny: and don't you dare blame mom for your mistakes .I hate you three.
Henry: Estefania
Fanny: enough, Henry.mom let's go

Pablo: fanny, please..
Fanny:you will pay for this,I PROMISE you.

With that I went to the car with my mom,I noticed Alex was gone. I was finally reunited with my mom.I decided not to cry, because I was going to make sure that they paid for their betrayal.

We left Mexico to Italy.I met my eldest sister Sam, it had been two years since we last seen each other physically .

She looked the most like my mom.She had everything of hers.Mary looked more like my dad but had my mom's hair.I was a mix of both parents.

I was thicker in the right places,we all got our mom's curvy body but I got too much of it .

I was deemed the fat, and rebellious sister,I don't give a fuck.All I cared about was getting my revenge.I was going rogue.

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