inciting fear

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Fanny's POV
Mary:what are you going here?
Fanny:are you kicking me out of my own home.
Mary: no I
Fanny: good.Its been five years too long,I decided to see my family. who is this little devil?

Gabby; devil?am Gabby.who are you?
Fanny:nosy like her mother.I am your aunty dearest.
Gabby:I have another aunt?
Fanny:two(I pointed at Sam who was behind me)

Gabby:how come I don't know you
Fanny: what?your parents never mentioned me?Pablo?
Pablo: umm,we thought you were never coming back.
Fanny: well,I will be staying for a while,on business and a mission.

Henry: girls (Sam went to hug him)
Sam:daddy.Ive missed you.
Henry:I have missed you too.estefania..
Fanny:I don't feel the same old man (the little girl gasped)

Gabby: that's not nice.
Fanny:that tongue of yours,can get you into trouble, little one,but good for you, aunty is here to make you safer (I pulled out a gun, everybody gasped.) this is gun,it can kill..

Mary: enough Estefania.go inside Gabby (the little girl ran off scared)
Fanny: what,she will soon know what a gun is am tired ,am going to settle in,my new Mansion.Lets go Sam.

Pablo's POV
She walked off with her sister.She had changed so much,the woman I once loved.Seeing her again make me wonder if I never got over her.

My heart skipped a beat seeing her.I love Mary with all my heart yet I can still feel Fanny's presence In my heart.Its because she never left.I realised that today.

I didn't mean to fall for Mary ,it just happened.My parents Ann and Gary forced us to be around each other.

That sparked love between us,the more time I spent with Mary,the more I fell for her.Fanny was away and it made it harder not to fall for Mary.

It just happened.I felt guilty and couldn't pull through with the marraige,but the love I had for marraige and the pressure from my parents lead me to say yes to the marraige.

I tried to get in contact with fanny,but to no avail.She was my best friend since childhood, and first love.I couldn't believe all that seemed to mean nothing when I laid eyes on Mary.

We have been around each other for years yet never I was madly in love with her.I hurt fanny.

Now she is back for revenge,I can see the fire in her eyes.The fire,I created when I hurt her.I can't believe after all these years I still loved her .

She was here to confuse me, and I deserved it.The look in her eyes when she arrived at the altar , shattered me.

I couldn't even enjoy my honeymoon, Mary and I just sat there thinking about fanny.We soon come together eventually as time passed but,now she is back,to ruin us.

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