jealousy and confusion

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Pablo's POV
I nearly kissed her.I couldn't control myself when it came to fanny.I felt so jealous, Seeing her kissing Alex.I also noticed how Alex got too close to my wife Mary.

I was inlove with these two women,but I had to stay within my limits.I am married to Mary and have a daughter with her.i  love her . Even though I still loved fanny,but Mary was my present.

Alex's POV
That kiss, felt so real.I can never fall for her.seeing Mary and Pablo dancing made my heart boil.

The pain was back, and I used fanny to get rid of was the initial plan until our kiss got intense with so much passion.

I never wanted to let her go.I was addicted.I was ruined,so I lied that it shouldn't have happened.

I was stuck in a trance with Mary , but it wasn't the same as before yet it was still powerful .I was thinking of kissing her when fanny clouded my mind.

Then I glanced at her, only to find her in a trance with Pablo, she was about to lean into his kiss.I felt so jealous seeing this.I felt more jealous with fanny being with Pablo, more than Mary.

This scared me.

Mary's POV
I nearly kissed Alex,I felt suffocated seeing him kiss fanny so passionately.i felt so jealous.Seeing them together, broke me.

Then I see,Pablo and fanny leaning in for a kiss.I snapped.I may still love Alex but I very much loved my husband.I was beyond pissed.

We are at home.

Mary:I can't believe you tried to kiss her.
Pablo:you did the still love Alex.
Mary: and you love fanny.After five years,you still haven't gotten over her.

Pablo: don't you turn this on me,you are doing the same.
Mary:what do we do now?
Pablo':I don't know.

Fanny's POV
I hated seeing Alex with mary.our kiss was so special,I couldn't stop thinking about it.I also can't believe I nearly kissed Pablo.I shouldn't have made such a mistake.
.I was still inlove with him but the love wasn't like before yet it was there.

There was something about Alex that I couldn't make crush on him grew,I couldn't be inlove with him.

He was the enemy.but he was soon going to be my husband,so why not get to know him.

I am scared that if I get to know him,i might fall for him.I didn't want my heart broken again yet I was falling for this man.

I was so scared.I came to the hall with two cups of coffee,I handed Sam one.

Fanny: how are you doing?
Sam:I feel horrible.I have felt guilty all these years,but I was delusional and called it love.
Fanny: it's not delusion.You had someone you loved,you were set on  getting married,then destiny happened.Destiny took him away and gave him to another .

Sam: that should have been the end of it.I should have accepted my fate that he wasn't mine but I didn't

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