daddy-daughter reunion

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Fanny's POV
My mom and sister left me with dad.
Henry: I thought I lost you.
Fanny: why did you put on that show?
Henry: what?
Fanny:you can fool everybody but not me,I know you don't love me,you were just putting up an act so mom will take you back.

(He looked taken aback but I stood my ground,I didn't care that tears filled his eyes at my words)
Henry:well then the act didn't work, because your mom hasn't taken me back.It is never an act when it comes to you girls.You are my little girls and I love you so much but I failed to show you my love.Sams life got ruined because of drugs,I was so scared that the same would happen to you,so I became harder on you.

I  am so sorry for hitting you and being so harsh,you are my daughter fanny,I can never hate you, and saving you,is my pride,I would do it over and over again.I love you, get some rest.

(I couldn't hid the tears any longer,all I ever wanted was to be loved.With my mom out of the picture,I only had dad.All I wanted was his love,I never got it but now I can have it)
Fanny:dad,wait.(he turned to me) aren't you going to give me a kiss goodbye?

(He smiled happily as he came over and kissed him on the forehead.I couldn't help but cry and hug him.He hugged me tightly,I felt so safe)

Mom came in.
Maria:am glad that you two are finally bonding,but remember fanny,you will always be a momma's girl.
Fanny: don't worry mommy,girl code (we couldn't help but laugh.It felt so nice and fulfilling, having both parents by my side.)

Alex's POV
I was so happy to see, Estefania Walk down the aisle with my dad.She looked so beautiful.

When she got shot,my heart broke as blood gushed onto her red dress.Her dad rushed to her first.It was good that he did, because I would have frozen up.

My blood wasn't a match like I would have donated every drop to save her.Her family went in first to see her, after I came in with a bouquet of roses.
Fanny:roses?I see you were already planning my funeral.(she smiled)
Alex: that's not funny,I almost lost you.

Fanny: aww pretty boy was scared to be a widower as such a young age.
Alex: Estefania (I said sternly)
Fanny: what,am never wearing red again,so I will wear the traditional white,so that when I get shot again,it will be more evident

(I just stared at her trying to control my emotions, she noticed.)
Fanny: I was just joking.
Alex: I told you to stop,we don't joke about stuff like that I could have lost you,do you know what that will do to me.

Fanny:am sorry baby, please don't be upset, besides you need to loose all emotions because we will soon attack the people who tried to shoot me.

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