setting things right

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Fanny's POV
Alex stepped out to get me food, only for Pablo to walk in
Fanny:what are you doing here?
Pablo: I came to see how you were
Fanny:am better,you can leave.

Pablo: don't get like that.
Fanny:we have nothing to talk about,you are married,I was getting married and I don't love you anymore.
Pablo:but I still love you.
Fanny: what is your problem,you are already inlove with Mary, what do you want from me, and if you think am stupid enough to believe you ,then you are highly mistakened.

Fanny: because I know immediately you leave here,you are going to her, don't think you can use or have us both, and I don't give a fuck if you love us both, because I don't love you anymore.

Pablo:fanny...(Mary came in angrily)
Mary: really Pablo!
Pablo: I just came to see how she was.
Mary:you didn't have to, she is fine.
Pablo:calm down.

Fanny: it's funny,big sis, your husband came to visit me after I got shot,but you my sister didn't.
Mary:I don't give a flying fuck about you.(I couldn't help but chuckle,mom walked in)
Maria: really Mary,you don't care about your own sister?

Mary:look who is talking,the mother who abandoned her daughters
Maria: I didn't abandon you,I left to protect you.
Mary :no you left us because dad cheated, what was our faults
Maria:wait you are upset because I wasn't in your life not because I left your dad when he cheated.

Mary:yes,I was angry about you leaving dad but I was more upset about you leaving us,
Maria:you may feel like I left but I didn't, I was always watching over you from the shadows,I did this because I had too many enemies, the day you got shot at just 3 years old (tears came down mom's face, this affected Mary as well,as she tried to hold in her tears.This was affecting me as well but I would never let anyone see)

Maria:at just three years you got shot,you couldn't sleep for days and no matter what I did,I couldn't ease your pain,it broke me to see you like this,I had to leave you guys,to protect you, that was the hardest thing I ever did in my life, Mary I love you.(mom hugged Maria as she sobbed.mary pulled away)

Mary:I don't love you(she walked turned to Pablo and gave him a stern look)
Maria:Mary has been through a lot,so has Estefania.You are married to Mary and Estefania is about to get married to Alex.Focus on your marraige with Mary,if you don't love her,just leave her,but don't you dare lead her on and then come after fanny.I will not allow you to play with both my daughter's hearts, they are sisters, and you are driving them apart, but I won't allow you to,you better make the right decision or else..

(mom threatened.She was in mom mood.)

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