business is business

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Fanny's POV
It's been two weeks since I arrived,I have been able to cause unease, and I love it.Sam was sitting in the couch with her boyfriend Eric.

I was about to walk in when I heard something about somebody's wife being home.I walked in as they tensed up.

Fanny: who's wife?
Eric:umm,my brother's wife.She is home alone and pregnant,I have to check up on her.
Fanny :okay.

Sam escorted him out.
fanny: what's really going on, between you two?
Sam: nothing.When is the meeting?
fanny:this afternoon.

That afternoon,we arrived at Pablo's house.To say his parents where shocked was an understatement.There was another business man amongst us.

Ann: what are you doing here?
Fanny:oh don't you know?am your new business partner.Estefania Rodriguez.
Gary: you are that Estefania,I thought your name was fanny.

Sam:what idiot, doesn't know that fanny is short for Estefania.(I smirked as I saw their faces go red in anger)

Man:shall we start?

We went to the hall,we were talking business when Mary came in with a tray of tea.She froze upon seeing me.I smirked.

Ann:how nice of you, Mary,you are indeed the best choice for my son (that was a dig at me)
Fanny:are you sure , it's not because you let you let your son marry a maid since you didn't find any hopeless girl to marry your son?

(Sam burst into laughter,even the business man Chuckled,they even looked like clowns with their red faces.)

Sam:is she going to stand like a statue or is she going to serve us?

(Sam and Mary weren't on good terms,Sam was a rebel during her teens, she even took drugs by mistake at a ruined her, my dad had to give her attention 247, which didn't sit well with Mary,she was jealous that Sam,was dad's was obvious.)

Mary served us . I intentionally made my cup fall onto Gary's pants.he was wet with hot tea.He screamed like a bitch as Mary tried to help.

We all got up.
Ann:you did it on a purpose,you bitch (she charged at me.sam was beside me.She tripped her, Making her fall to our feets)
Fanny:darmn,are all of your family members blind?I can't work with this shit, let's go Sam.

We walked off.On our way to our car,we ran into pablo and Gabby.He was bringing her home from school.

How sweet.
Pablo: fanny.
Fanny: aren't you going to greet your aunties, little girl.
Gabby:hi, aunty Fanny, and aunt.. are very cute.
Gabby: thank you.why do you two always wear black?
Fanny:let her ,I love how outspoken she is.child,we wear black because it symbolises power and strength.You see that you I showed you?the colour of the gun is black.

But you see color, isn't only it,you can wear any color you want as long as it makes you feel powerful.

Gabby:the pink.
Sam: I red is better.
Fanny: yeah,am going to see what colors makes me strong.

She ran off.Now I was left standing face to face with Pablo.

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