The promise

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Fanny's POV
I rolled into the flowers and giggled.Darmn that was fun.Soon Pablo stormed in on his horse clearly furious at my little stunt.

He was literally my second dad, the only difference is that I happily tolerated him.I loved him so much,some might say too much.

He had blue eyes like mine,I would always get lost in them .He was so pure,kind hearted and sweet.
He got off his horse.

Pablo:you need to stop being reckless,you could have gotten hurt .
Fanny: aren't I here,safe and sound,I know this farmland like the back of my hand.
Pablo:you still need to be careful.
(I pulled him onto me and kissed him)

Fanny:you speak way too much ,what?
Pablo:I think we should hold off,from intimacy till we get married (I let him go,he laid beside me)
Fanny:you didn't say that when I was 16 and you were 17.Remember, virginities were broken that day, why now?

Pablo: I want the intimacy to more special.
Fanny:am only 18,we have school to further and getting married might take longer.
Pablo:we can still get married and go to school,we will hold off,on having kids.

Fanny: cool.but only two kids.
Pablo:deal .

Marraige,kids,as long I was with Pablo,I was in.Things went South when my dad sat Mary and I down to tell us the devastating news.

Fanny:why her!am inlove with Pablo!
Henry:the marraige has been fixed for Mary.
Fanny:why are you doing this!
Henry: it's for the best .
Fanny: no,it's for you to enlarge your business.Why not me?

Henry:they want Mary.
Fanny: offcourse, everyone wants mary.
Henry: don't say such things.
Fanny: no,even are selfish.
Mary: don't say such things,dad must have a good reason for doing this

Fanny:you better shut up,you stupid naive girl,this is my life
Mary:it's mine too,am getting married.
Fanny:no wonder you are silent ,you are you stupid
Henry:stop it.

Fanny:you will do anything to become daddy's little bitch!(I screamed only to get slapped by my father)
Henry:that's enough estefania. (I couldn't help the tears that came down my face .I never cry. )

Fanny: offcourse, nobody loves me, it's always Mary.
Mary: that's not true.
Fanny: then why did you agree to marry the love of my life? huh?(she was silent)

Henry: Estefania,am sorry for hitting you.
Fanny:no you aren't,it's not the first time you've hit me, yet you have never hit Mary.You have given her everything, and now you have decided to give the love of my life to her,let me ask you this,will you ever take my life to save hers?

(I don't wait for him to answer,I just walked off.that night,Pablo had snucked into my room .He comforted me)
Pablo:I promise you,I will never marry your sister .
Fanny:you can't go against your family.They are too overbearing.

Pablo:I know how to handle them,I love so much and I will fight for us,I promise.

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