bonding as a family

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Fanny's POV
I couldn't help but hug mom,as Pablo left.Alex came back with the food.Weeks later,dad and I started getting along which started making Mary more bitter.

I felt sorry for her.Today was her daughter's birthday,I was discharged and decided to pay a visit with Mom and Sam.

Mary: what are you three doing here (she said with so much venom)
Sam: easy,we just come to gift Gabby.
Mary:she doesn't need it.
Henry: Mary.

Mary:no father, you know what you four can stay together and be a happy family.
Maria:it wouldn't be a family without you.(Gabby came in)
Gabby: aunties you came.Is that grandma?(mom carried her)

Fanny:yes, how did you know
Gabby: I have seen her picture in mom's childhood photos.You are very pretty grandma.
Maria:thank you so much
(Mary took Gabby away)

Mary: give me back my daughter.
Fanny:act matured for dear(I gifted her a warrior princess dress)
Gabby: thank you so much,mom can I wear this for my birthday
Mary:but I already got you a dress.
Gabby:no this one is cooler, please it's my birthday.

Mary: alright.(Gabby ran off happily)
Sam: that wasn't so bad.
Mary:you are just trying to steal my daughter away from me,it won't work.(she walked off)

Fanny: this will never stop,will it?
Sam:hmm, let's just focus on the future .

Mary's POV
My daughter chose to wear Estefan's dress,my husband still loves her, everybody loves her.What about me?

Pablo came in.
Pablo:we are waiting for you.
Mary: what for,Fanny is there,you don't need me.

Pablo:you are Gabby's mother
Mary:is that all I am?(I stared at him)
Pablo:you are more than that.Look I know I hurt you,by still going after Fanny.Your mom was right,I can't hurt you both.

Mary: so you are leaving me?
Pablo:no am choosing you.We have been through alot and we have a daughter together,so why not try?

Mary:ok,we will try for our daughter.
Pablo:not only for her but for us.I know I have no right to be saying this,so I will give you time.I know you still love Alex and that's okay.

(Gabby came in with Maria)
Gabby: mommy look
Mary:you wore my dress?
Gabby:granny told me that you were sad,that I didn't pick your dress.She said you put in alot of work,so I wore it.

Mary:all for me?
Gabby:yes,I love you.but I hope you don't mind me wearing the warrior bow and arrow or the crown.
Mary:I don't mind at all,you look beautiful.I love you

Gabby:I love you too.Lets go cut the cake.
Mary:yes, let's go.

(I smiled at mom)
Mary:thank you.
Maria:no need.

(We went to the party,there my daughter cut her cake.For once I decided to let go and have fun.It was nice having the whole family here)

(So,I sort of lost the plot to my own story, don't know how to end it now.Am sorry for ending it abruptly but I don't know where to go from now.and it will be worse if I dragged on.Apologies)

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