The end

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Fanny's POV
We raised our enemies place and killed them all, serves them right for trying kill me on my wedding day.

Speaking of wedding,it was in just two weeks.Just two weeks,Alex and I would get married.I couldn't be happier.

Mary and Pablo decided to surprise us with a visit.Alex and I looked confused.
Mary:we came to apologise for everything.
Fanny:all of sudden?

Mary:look,we have been going through counselling, and inorder for us to move on,we must make peace with you two.
Fanny:so you are not making peace because you care or regret? It's for your own good right?

Alex:let it go Fanny.
Fanny:no,no matter how much I hate you Mary,I deep down wanted us to get along.I still love you.

Mary: what?
Fanny:yes I love you, no matter what we have been through I still find myself loving you.For once I thought we could solve our issues but fine.We will make peace with you.You can leave now.

Pablo: Fanny, she loves you too, just can't say it.
Mary: Pablo.
Pablo: it's the truth.Look Mary we have decided to let this lovesquare thing go,there is no need for hatred anymore,nor pretending.You need to let things go for yourselves.

Alex:he is right.Lets try.
Mary: I will try?
Fanny: what?
Mary:am willing to try,sister.

(I noded)
Fanny: good (Sam came in)
Sam: won't you two hug it out?
Mary: it's too soon for that.

Fanny: what the heck(I hugged them both.This was weird but it was a start)
Alex: don't look at me like that, there is no way am hugging you.

Pablo:I know,I understand.
Sam: okay now let's go wedding shopping, just the three of us.

(Mom walked in)
Maria:am I welcomed?
(We looked at Mary)
Mary:why not?

Fanny: let's go.(we four went out.It was nice.Two weeks later,my wedding day.Sam had cut ties with Eric and found herself a new man.)

More like kidnapped,She kidnapped the guy because she thought he was cute, and now they were together.

Ivy and Eric managed to work things out,I was glad because ivy and my sister didn't deserve all that pain.

Mom and dad were friends.Mom was in no hurry to form a relationship with dad.I understood her.

Mom spent more time with Gabby and Mary.They were Bonding and fixing their relationship.

Same with Mary and I but it was still weird.Glad to see that Pablo was focusing more on her.

I never thought I would say that,but oh well things changed drastically.And now my heart only belonged to Alex.

My stubborn Daredevil.Dad held my hand as the music started.Instead of a bouquet in my hand,I held a shotgun decorated with flowers

I wasn't taking any chances of getting shot at my wedding.My dad brought me to Alex.We finally got married.

Fanny:why are you in white,you dare upstage the bride?
Alex: it's more like you trying to upstage me,they all came to see me (he laughed)

Fanny:just shutup and kiss me (I kissed him passionately)
Alex: promise me, that we will be together forever.
Fanny: I promise, and this Time,there will be no more broken promises.

Alex: offcourse.

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