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Alex's POV
What?marry that devil.Being the don of the Mexican mafia had alot of sacrifices,sacrifices I won't run from.
I was still inlove with Mary yet this little devil sparked my interest.

It began 5 years ago,it was an instant attraction.Impossible ,I can't fall for her, it's only physical attraction.Yes, physical attraction,I mean the first time I saw her she was half naked.

It's her body,it has to be.I mean after these five years her body changed.She used to have ass , hips and boobs which her body found it hard to accommodate.

But now her body was able to handle the heavy load and stand,her tummy was Abit flatter.Did she loose weight?yes she definitely did in the right places.

She glowed up, she is literally shining.Yes focus on her body, it's just a physical attraction, nothing else.Am inlove with Mary, she has the same body type but  Estefania was thicker.

Why am I comparing?shit .calm down, for the first time,I have to be a pervert,I only have to focus on her body,I can't fall her.

Falling inlove equates to pain.Mary hurt me deeply yet here I am at her feet,why ? Because am whipped.Deep down I know that I can easily forget mary but I don't want to, because then I might have hope in love again.

Being close to Mary hurts especially when I see her with Pablo or her daughter,I love her and that's why it hurts so much.being with her and the pain as well as the pleasure that comes out of it,is a reminder why I should have never fallen in love.

Now this devil,is now in my life.i don't want to fall inlove again even if it's with Mary yet the she devil is making it difficult.

I closed my eyes.its just her body, it's just her body.I soon calmed down and opened my eyes, only for the last person I wanted in this world to kiss me.

Her pink lips were so soft on mine.I couldn't help but kiss her back.This kiss was filled with passion and desire.I couldn't help but carry her onto my desk, I realised what I was doing and pulled away.

Fanny:easy there tiger, save it for the honeymoon.
Alex: what are you doing here?
Fanny:why can't I see my own husband?
Alex:am not your husband.

Fanny: not yet baby.You will be seeing me here alot.You are also going with me to the gala tomorrow, don't be late.

Fanny's POV
I was driving through and decided to pass by Alex's house.I was coming to my car when a woman approached me.

Ivy:you are the woman who has been sleeping with my husband!
Fanny:excuse me?you have gotten the wrong person.
Ivy:I know Eric is cheating on me,so you better be careful.

Eric:yes,he is my husband and we have a son, find yourself a different man,you homewrecker.i have warned you Sam.
Fanny:I am not Sam,I am her sister.

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