old steamy Desires

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Mary's POV
I was getting ready for bed.pablo had been called to work.I was home alone.It was very windy,it looked like it was going to rain.I went to close the window.
After doing,I turned to the bed .I complete tensed up when I felt a familiar presence ,a feet away.

I turned around as the thunder struck.I fell into the bed in shock.Alex was standing in front of me.He was in his usual black Long sleeved shirt and black pants.

He had his hands in his pockets .I could see the familiar tattoo on his hands.He walked towards me as I was laid out in the bed.

Alex:do you remember when I took your virginity?
Mary:Alex,I..(I tried to get up, he gently shooved me down effortless.He leaned on and hovered over me.Our chests were touching.He looked at me with those piercing green eyes)

Alex:do you?
Mary: yes.
Alex:do you miss it?
(Before I could answer,he started kissing my neck.) Tell me?
(When I didn't answer, he ran his hands through my thighs.I couldn't help but moan.)

I suddenly shooved him away.
Mary:no,am married.
Alex:you let him touch you,you let touch what's mine, and you gave me birth to his child.(he said all this as he conered me to the wall)

Mary:am sorry.
Alex:no,you are not ,you gave him your heart.you broke your promise.You lied to me
Mary: Alex,I didn't mean to fall for him,it just happened...(he grabbed me and kissed me.I pulled away and slapped him)

Mary:I am married,I told you this five years ago,we are over.
Alex: it's over when I say it's over.

(With that he walked out the door.Oh no, somebody might see him.Alex was crazy.I was trying to get him away for years,but he is still sturborn)

Luckily, nobody saw him .I still loved Alex,I couldn't help it,but I was married to Pablo and I loved him with all my heart, and also he was the father of my daughter.

Alex's POV
I couldn't contain the rage I felt inside.During these five years this is the third time I have come into her.

I couldn't help it,she betrayed me yet I loved her.I hated myself for that .I came home to my father the former don.

Alex:you wanted to see me,father.
Dante:yes,I heard about your encounter with the Rodriguez's .
Alex: don't worry father,am not scared of them.

Dante: I am.
Alex: what?
Dante:Maria has gotten stronger,eversince her alliance with the new Yorkers.We are strong on our own but with her many alliance's, she is stronger, especially since she is now working with our enemies.

Alex: father,we can fight them, and win
Dante:but at what cost,we might be able to win ,but we will loose alot.Think about it.

(He was right but I would never accept deceit)
Alex:so,you want us to just  accept defeat.
Dante: never.I want us to sign a peace treaty,that can only be reached, through marraige.

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