bonding with Mommy

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Fanny's POV
That night I stood in my room puzzled.I was furious about this marraige yet deep down, a tiny part of me was was because of my little crush on him.

My mission was to ruin Pablo and Mary's marraige, nothing else.But what happens after?do I go back to pablo? After I ruin his marraige?
I still love him yet I can't bring myself to the thought of being with him, not after what he did to me.

The pain was too much that it was stopping me from being with Pablo.I got a call,I picked up.

Maria: Estefania (I was about to hang up) please don't hang up.I have never been in your life,I failed miserably as your mother.Look how you and you sister turned out,Sam and Mary hate each other,Mary hates me and you have become vengeful.All because of me,I ruined you and your sister's life.I promise to fix it.

Fanny:mom,are you crying?
(Her crying broke my heart,I had a soft spot for her.She was being rough.I could tell by her tough facade that she was crumbling inside.With her mom dead when she was 3,with no male heirs,mom was trained to be a killing machine.Her life had been planned for her until she met auturo)

Maria:am fine.I love you Estefania.(she broke me with those words.Tears came down my face.All I wanted was to be loved)
Fanny: I..
Maria:you don't have to say it back,I will fight to earn that privilege.

Fanny: no,all I want is for you to be here with me,so that I can say it back to you.
Maria:turn around.(I turned to find my mom standing there.No wonder I found her voice more evident.I ran to hug her .I just broke down in tears in her arms.we just stood there crying our eyes out.Later on,we calmed down and sat in my bed)

Maria:my life was full of sadness,my father became cold after my mom's death.I started training at just ten years 16,I became a killer.Time passed and I met auturo,an enemy.

I was to kill him,he was a different breed,he was better as an assassin than me,which made my blood boiled.he spared me,but that was his mistake,I stabbed him in the side .

Do you know what he said when I told him him he had made a mistake?
Fanny: what?
Maria: that,if he made a mistake,then he would die a happy man,for commiting such a beautiful mistake.
That was it,I couldn't let him die.I treated him and during that time we fell in love.

Your dad, Henry was my best friend at the time.He was secretly inlove with me,yet he helped us.Your dad killed my father to save auturo.since then I found new respect for your dad despite him killing my father.

My father was never my dad .I buried him respectfully because he is my father.

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