Wedding in blood

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Alex's POV
I can't believe this woman lying in my arms right now, would soon be my wife.I remember her dramatic entrance months ago,but nothing beats the first time I saw her.

She caught my attention eversince but I was with Mary,so I ignored all the tingly feelings I had whenever I saw Estefania.
. it's funny how the tables have turned, if I hadn't ignored my feelings for her,who knows we could have been happy together.

It doesn't matter now, because we are going to be together forever.This marraige of convenience was indeed a match made in heaven.

A month later,we stood in a church ready to get married,I surprisingly saw Pablo and Mary.Henry Fanny's father brought them.How wonderful.

Fanny's POV
I was dressed in a long red wedding dress.Yes red, why red? because am Estefania.
Sam:red is a bold choice.
Maria: why wouldn't it be, it's my daughter's wedding.You look beautiful.

Fanny: thanks momma.(Henry walked in, the Atmosphere became tensed.sam went to hug him)
Henry: dear,you look very beautiful Estefania, just like your mom.
Fanny:thanks, what are you doing here?I know I invited you,but that doesn't mean you can come in here.

Henry: I was hoping if I could walk you down the aisle (all this while,mom was looking away, she wanted nothing to do with dad)
Fanny: that can't be.
Sam; why is that,he is your father.

Fanny:by blood but not by heart.Alex's father Matteo will walk me down the aisle.
Maria:are you sure..
Fanny:yes mom.

(Henry looked down broken,it affected me, but I wasn't going to let anybody see that.Matteo soon came in.The ceremony started.Matteo started walking me down the aisle)

Suddenly the world stopped.There was a huge ringing in my ear, everything happened in slow motion.All I could see was, Henry rushing to me.

Fanny:dad.(everything went black)

Sam's POV
Estefania was brought to the hospital after being shot with a sniper.We failed to catch the shooter.

2 days passed and Estefania was unresponsive,she had lost alot of blood, she needed blood.

Only dad's blood matched,mom wasn't in the right condition to give out blood.She had been in way too many attacks.

Fanny hated dad,but it was only dad who could save her.Dad donated his blood to her without question.For the first time in years,mom hugged dad and thanked him for saving fanny.

After a week, fanny woke up,mom,dad and I went in to see her.
Maria:you are alright dear, your daddy saved you.Now I don't want you to fight him any more

Maria: no, buts, alittle birdie told me that your last words before passing out was daddy, he was the first person who got to you,he literally took you away from Matteo, and didn't even let Alex hold you .Your dad loves you alot Missy,so you two are going to sit in this room together until you make up,am I understood?

I noded.

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