suffocate me(*smut*)

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Alex's POV
*Smut warning*
Her pussy stretched out to accommodate my size.I sat still allowing her to adjust.I had to remind myself that I had given her control, momentarily.

She started moving faster than I predicted.
Alex: fuck,you feel so good (she was going down on it , like a made my blood boil.I grabbed her waist and thrusted into her.
I pulled her us up and she was now on her knees.

I started pounding into her aggressively as her muffled screams echoed in the room.I grabbed her hair pulling it until her head touched my chest.Her body bend so perfectly.

Alex:you are only mine to ruin(I moved faster,still bending her with her hair.Fuck,she felt amazing.She was pulling against the restraint.Seeing her struggle made it so enjoyable.She was taking my dick so good.)

I moved from her hair to her throat.I chocked her as I fucked.gosh I couldn't get enough of this pussy.The best pussy I have ever hand.

She clenched around me Cumming.fuck I was high.I untied her hands, thinking she would slumped down, she rather tried to pounce on me,I caught her Making her straddle me.

I got up with her in my arms,I put my dick back into her and started bouncing her up and down on my dick.Her panties were out of mouth .

fanny:fuck you Alex!(she moaned out as she bounced off my dick)
Alex:fuck me?fuck you.(I put her down still straddling her.I kept pounding into her with her legs wide open)

I leaned into her,now a missionary position.I started kissing her on the neck as I fucked.She moaned out my name.

Fanny:Alex,please don't stop(I wouldn't stop for anything.I kissed her on the lips and stuck my tongue into her mouth.Our tongues fought for dominance, she moaned into my mouth clearly loosing the battle.)

I couldn't help but groan as I fuck her,I could feel my release coming in.
I cummed inside in her with a loud groan.I was still Cumming when she clenched around me.

Alex:shit ,you are suffocating me (she was cunming as she squeezed the life out of my dick.I slumped down beside her.We were both breathing hard.)
Alex:fuck,you worn me out.

(She surprinsingly got ontop of me, and sat on my dick)
Alex: fuck, fanny,I can't take anymore.
Fanny: this will teach you who is in charge.besides you only cummed once, I think it's right if you cum two more times.

Alex:two more...(she started moving.)
Fuck, fuck fuck.(she was riding me so well.I pulled myself up Abit , wrapping my arms around her.She kissed me,I kissed her back.)

I realised we weren't having sex anymore,but making love.She stopped moving as we stared into each other's eyes.I moved her hair out of the way.

Alex:I love you.
Fanny: I love you More.

She started moving again,I buried my head in her breast as she threw her head back.I started kissing her all over,till we met eye contact.

We both cummed together.We stayed like that in each other's embrace

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