pools and cigarrete

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Fanny's POV
Sam:I should have let him go, but I couldn't (tears came down her face)I loved him so much, and he didn't let me leave.
Fanny:he was selfish, but I can't blame or judge him ,I have done the same,I mean am here to ruin my sister's marriage.am a hypocrite.

Sam:am sorry for what I said about you.
Fanny: don't be, it's your life Sam, you make the choices.

In the afternoon,I decided to pay my little fiance a visit.I stood in his office and watched him as he laid in the pool, resting one of his arms on the edge, while smoking.

Darmn,he was hot.Those two large tattooed hands were just a sight to see.I had a tattoo on my own.it was that of a spider,the black widow.

Right on my torso to the side.I was in a colorful bikini,with it main component being brown.I came down and stood infront of him.

He raised an eyebrow, wondering how I got into his mansion.I jumped into the pool and peeked my head out.

He seemed unimpressed,I took my time and swam towards him.I placed one hand on the egde beside his, and just as he was about to put the cigarette in his mouth I took it, and placed it in my mouth I haling deeply.

I let out the smoke in his pretty little face.He had a stern look, before I could even register,I was spun around,to be pressed against the egde of the pool.

He had conered me with both large tattooed hands.
Alex:how did you get into my office,much less my office?
fanny:I will never tell.I have my ways pretty boy.

Alex: get in there again and I will show you no mercy.(I took the cigar out of my hand and took a huge whip.As he was about to exhale, whenI kissed him hard.

He soon pulled away, which caused me to let out the smoke from my mouth, slowly in a tempting manner.

Alex:you are crazy.
Fanny: only about you.
(I tried to touch his chest ,he held both my hands above my head, leaning me over the edge of the pool)
Fanny: that's a painful position,but for you,I will bend back and front.

Alex: why are you doing this?
Fanny: you did it first.
Alex: what are you talking about?
Fanny: at the gala,you kissed me to make Mary jealous.
Alex:it also worked in your favor.
Fanny:well,you still used me.So it's only fair that I do the same.

(I wrapped my leg around him, straddling him,still bent over the edge.he held my legs firmly supporting me)
Alex:you don't know what you are getting yourself into.
Fanny:oh I know very well.Afterall we are getting married,we need to get used to each other.We can help each other forget.

Alex:I thought you wanted revenge.
fanny:I do,but in due time we all know that we won't end up being with them.

Fanny's POV
Alex: how are you so sure?Mary is mine.
fanny: Pablo has already taken his claim on her, it's too late.Pablo erased you from her heart,You can never erase Pablo from her heart.

(His phone started ringing,he took it from the edge.it was Mary)
Alex: don't be so sure.(he let go, and swam away.)

Why did it hurt that he was going to her?Alex can never be with Mary, only because he is getting married to me.I will make sure of it.I was only mad because of that , nothing else.

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