Using me

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Alex's POV
I held her face.
Alex: I don't belong to anyone.
Fanny: then why did you kiss me?huh, do you just love how our lips just so peefectly together.

(I just stood there looking at her like she has three heads,and then she kissed me.I kissed her back.i grabbed her by the legs and carried her, making her straddle me .I pinned her against the wall as we kissed I was in a black shirt.I took off my black tie and tie both her hands above her Head)

Alex:you really want to play, huh (she smirked,I took off her wall and dumped her on the couch ) no.(I walked out.)

I didn't wait any minute, dashing off .I was afraid of what I might do,if I stayed.She was on my mind everyday,I could basically smell her sweet vanilla scent on me.

Kissing her and touching her made me insane.It wasn't lust,it was our bodies begging to connect with each other.I yearned for her,I couldn't stop thinking about her.

As I reached home,I decided that I needed a shower.I came to my room only to find my shower on.Mary walked out in nothing but a towel .

Mary:am so sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, the tap wasn't flowing in the..
Alex:oh don't bother,you could use my bathroom any time you want.
(I started taking off my shirt as she left.I felt comfortable with my things with Mary)

After my shower I came out to stand by the balcony.Mary came to me with two cups of coacoa.She gave me one, which was perfect for the cold weather.

Mary:you have a nice view.(she went to sit by the tip,I sat beside her, this felt like old times.It was nice.We sat there talking about past memories.)

We bonded alot,but this was a different type of bond .I couldn't explain it,it felt as if we were as pure as siblings?

No it couldn't be,I was inlove with Mary.Was, why did I use that?did our love reduce to peaceful friendship?I didn't want our love to end.

The next night,I was sitting in bed when Mary held me from behind.I turned to her.She was in a tiny nightie.She kissed me.

Alex: what are you doing,Mary ,you are married.(I can't believe I was saying that, why did I have a feeling that it had to with that little devil)
Mary: enough about Pablo please,I want to forget.

(She kissed me again,I was about to kiss her back when,she pushed into the was as if she was fighting herself.she kissed me harder but stopped when I didn't respond)

Mary:ugh,you are useless, Alex,you were supposed to help me forget about Pablo.
(Then it hit me, she was using me to forget did I not know.she knew I had a soft spot for her, and she used that.)

Alex:get out of my house.

Alex's POV
Alex:you think you can just come here and use me as pass Time,when you have fights with your husband?
Mary:Alex ,no you don't love me enough to respect me.You think am that desperate for you,that I will be waiting like some dog for you to accept me,get out.

Alex:I never want to see you again, leave now.

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