gala masala

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Sam's POV.
He promised that after the business deal was over,he would divorce her and marry me but then she became pregnant.I felt so betrayed and hurt.I was so desperate that I had to leave like this.On the side.i was so desperate for love that I disrespected myself and I hurt an innocent woman.

Sam:you are right,I will always be a side piece,he will never marry,I accept it.I have been living in denial for so long,am sorry.excuse me.
(I walked away, ignoring the calls)

Ivy's POV.
He stood rooted,not knowing what to do,I didn't want to do this but I needed to be respected.I deserved to be respected.I sacrificed my life for him,just for him to cheat me.

I felt sorry for ivy ,just like me,she was also hurt but she took the wrong path,I was also inlove yet I had to let go.

fanny:give my sister some time , let's go in.

(We went in.after today's arguement,I realised that it wasn't worth the fight.Why fight for a man,who doesn't respect you,who isn't faithful to you .I know we were forced into this but he could have Atleast have the decency yet he forced me into an open marriage)

I decided to endure it because of our son,if not so I would have asked for a divorce , because I would never force someone to love me.

But now I was at my breaking point,I couldn't handle the pain.I had to let go,with that I separated from eric.

Eric's POV
I sat across the table as I watched my wife dance with a man.For the first time it bothered me.Sam and I were together since high school,we wanted to get married but I was thrown into a business marraige.

A marraige I never wanted ,but it was my mom's dream to acquire that business deal.She was in her death bed ,so I made her dream come through.

I decided that I would divorce her after my mom died.When my mom died I was broken,I drunk too much that night and found comfort in her arms.I woke up in bed with her.

It broke Sam's heart.I broke my promise to her.I cheated on her.She was battling with her addiction at the time.She was 18,she decided to move to her mom's place, she couldn't bare it.

I wanted to divorce Ivy very fast, but I was held back.our contract stipulated that we had to have a child to ensure the continuity of the contract even after divorce.

I slept with ivy till we had a son,then I went to Italy to look for Sam.I told her everything,but she made me see reason.My son was barely weeks old,we realized we were stuck.

My son would suffer for our happiness.Sam made such a great sacrifice, and I wanted to anything to make her happy.

I would visit In Italy and do things to make her happy.

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