The betrayal

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Alex's POV
I never knew Mary had a sister,a Darring one at that.How can they be related? Mary was such an and that woman was the devil herself.

I could tell by just starring into her eyes.I could see the same fire that burns within me in her.My angel called me to meet at our spot the next day.She was crying.

Alex:why do you cry?you know I hate when you do that.
Mary:am sorry Alex,but we can't be together, anymore,am getting married.
Alex: what?

Mary:my marraige has been fixed.We can't be together.
Alex:who the fuck gave them that authority!I don't care if it's your father,nobody is going to force you into marraige .

Mary:it has to happen,it was originally meant for my older sister sam but she is already taken,so it falls on me.
Alex:who is the fucker?
Mary:you know I don't like it when you curse.

Alex:I said who is he!
Mary: Pablo,my sister's boyfriend
Alex: then why not here instead.
Mary:am older, and they don't like her sorry Alex.

Alex:you don't have to do this .
Mary:I have to .
Alex:but you are mine.
Mary:my heart will always be yours but not my body.I promise I will love you till my last breath.

(She kissed me one last time before she left.)

Impossible,she was mine,there was no way I,the future capo of the mafia,was going to accept defeat.

I love her,too much that it's unhealthy but I don't give an fuck.She only belongs to me,am a selfish bastard.I was going to kidnap her, if it meant her not leaving me.

Time passed and I was hell bent on taking her away,I had to do this in secret from my father.He was the current don, and would see Mary as a weakness.

The time had finally come, for me to kidnap her but I stopped,when I saw a heart wrenching scene.

She stood in his arms .
Mary:I think am falling for you.
Pablo:me too.

That was it ,I walked back.The pain was unbearable.The betrayal.I was never going to let in my heart again.

Fanny's POV
I was away on my last school trip.It was a celebration for our graduation from high school.

Pablo had promised to fix things.he promised he wasn't going to get married,I trusted him and was rest assured.

I enjoyed my trip, unlike the other girls who sat in tiny bikinis in the sun,I went surfing and fishing .I also went cave diving

It was very fun.time passed and it was time to return to my Pablo .We weren't allowed to use phones during the trip

I turned in my phone, only to see alot of messages,from my dad,sister and Pablo.

I read Pablo's message which read"am sorry" my heart dropped.It couldn't be what I was thinking,I checked my sister's messages.
It read
"Please forgive me"

I didn't read my dad's text,I just drove off,on my way I spotted a wedding at the town's church. I stopped when I saw Alex in the opposite building starring down at the ceremony

Oh no.

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