The mafia princess

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Fanny's POV
I sat by the balcony,quiet.The betrayal cut so deep within me,it already broke me.My sister sam came to sit by me.

Sam: how are you?
Fanny:I will be alright.
Sam:you know I went through what you are going through.
Fanny: really?  will prevail.
Fanny: no, vengeance will.
Sam:fanny,you need to let it go, she is your sister.
Fanny: exactly,but she betrayed me, and our dad,he stood like a pimp.

Sam: don't say such things about dad.
Fanny: don't tell me you are now a daddy's girl.
Sam:am not.I am attached to both our parents.I bonded so much with Mom over the five years.I wish we had them both together in our lives.We would be so happy.

(Mom walked in)
Maria:that will never happen.(she sat in between us)
Sam:why not?we are all of age now.
Maria: right but there wounds in the past that hasn't is now chronic .You need to let it go, Estefania,or you will turn out cold like me.

Fanny: good, because I don't want to show any ounce or regret when I hurt the people who once hurt me.
Maria: I have no say in your life after being absent almost throughout your entire life.

Fanny: offcourse you do,I may not have grown up with a mom,but I still had a mother who gave birth to finally,I am reunited with her.
Sam:you still have respect for mom, that's dad's doing.

Fanny: no, it's not.
Maria:it is.he thought you to respect me,you just don't realise it.
Fanny:then why does Mary hate you so much.
Maria:she is very emotional and misunderstands alot.She will come around now that am here.I want you two to be reunited.

Fanny: that's impossible sorry.
Maria:all I can do is advice you,the decision is only yours.
(She kissed my forehead and held Sam in her arms.I leaned into my mom's touch, finding comfort in it. The tears finally came out.)

Time passed, and I started training with mom and was heartless when it came to training, she didn't care that I was get daughter .

I always spared with Sam,she was extremely good.She was my mom's right hand in the mafia .She was strong and skilledful but I was more faster and smart.

I used that to my advantage.We heiresses to my mom's empire.Sam was next in line as mafia queen, while I was under her as mafia princess.

In a span of 5 years,the sane Estefania was no more,the mafia princess was born.I was thought to Jill anything that moved against me.

I killed enemies who tried to kill me in my sleep.I embraced my cuning and ruthless self.

I did loose my smile,but that was okay,a devilish smirk was all I needed to trap my enemies.

Sam always posed as the blonde bimbo while attacking ignorant enemies while I was the dark one.

We had tanned skin like our mom, while Mary was Abit lighter.After all she was a spinning image of him.

Mary.The girl who helped me change for the better.I would soon come back to Mexico to thank her.

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