Meet The Aydins

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Meet The Aydins

In the midst of Bangkok's stood the Aydin family, the pillars of success. Mark Aydin, the patriarch, had recently handed over Thailand's most well-known company, Aydin Industries, to his eldest son Joong. His wife, Namtan Aydin, a fashion mogul with her own thriving fashion company, added a touch of her glamour to the family's legacy.

Their eldest son, Joong Aydin, had recently taken over the reins of Aydin Industries, a charismatic entrepreneur steering the ship of the family business. Joong has faced mazes of challenges ever since he stepped foot in his dad's shoes. Though he never wants to disappoint his father, he's always found solutions to the problems he's faced with the help of his best friend.

His best friend, you may be wondering well yes its no other than Pond Naravit, his trusty, loyal best friend and bodyguard. They have been friends for a very long time they have a really close, tight bond, which is pretty hard for others around them to understand. In fact, Pond lost his parents to a tragic car accident at the age of 16. Ever since then, the Aydin's took him in and raised him as their own. They took really good care of him. They treated Pond just like they treated their sons. They paid for his university and everything. But about a year ago their was a gunshot that happened at a party him and joong attended. The bullet was towards joong as that person was aiming for joong. Ever since then, the Aydin's have been searching for a bodyguard for joong as for his safety. This is when Pond gave his word, saying he would be joong's bodyguard. At first, none of them agreed, especially joong, but Pond was stubborn and stood by his decision. It was his way of repaying them for everything they had done for him, knowing that when he pays in cash, they won't take it. Though Pond is joong's bodyguard. Joong was always ready to sacrifice his life for Pond.

As for the youngest in the aydin family, gemini, who's is still studying for his engineering career at Pattaya University. Gemini really looks up to his elder brother Joong wanting to be like him one day. Gemini loves to dance, especially for the one he loves. Why, yes, he's been secretly dating this boy from the same faculty as him for the past 4 months. He doesn't know how or when it happened, but they just clicked, and before they knew it, they were boyfriends. He still hasn't found the right time to tell his parents as he was scared of how they may react.

(A little message from the author💓)

Ahhh!!! This is my first story. Please tell me how it is. 😊

Hopefully, you got to know a little bit about the Aydin's. I will update you about the Boonprasert soon 😉 So stay tuned 🤭

Thank you for reading! ❤️ See you in the next chapter!!! 👀 🫣

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